Prof Dolores Cahill Safe Exit Strategy for Covid & Prevention with vit C, D, Zinc and HCQ

COVID solutions reveal fast tracking 5G nationally or globally was never necessary for the pandemic, that was always an excuse.

Prof Dolores Cahill Immunologist who has worked on antibody testing, vaccines and in a Level 4 biohazard virus lab states the prevention is building immunity, vitamin C and D and zinc to vulnerable groups, HCQ can be used preventatively at a cost of 20 cents, 1 tablet every 3 weeks of after someone develops covid symptoms it can clear them up usually without hospitalisation. She also states a vaccine is not possible for this virus, but prevention can safely exit out of lockdown with those specific steps in a few weeks and could have entirely averted it – but she is a professor of immunology, our govts are listening to Bill Gates a microsoft engineer funding the WHO

Note the research and New York hospitals using vitamin C use high doses, 1500mg 4 times a day is 6g of IV vitamin C. Some liposomal versions achieve that too. That is an emergency situation therapeutic dose. Many vitamin C supplements exist and also can be got from food.

And similarly vitamin D is quoted as looking for a certain level in a blood test for vitamin D, the doctor who said that [Dr Silveramn] uses 10000IUs for a few weeks then down to 5000IUs with vitamin K2.

Most of the naturopathic doctors, herbalists and integrative doctors quote the research and their experience as stating many antioxidants help boost immunity including turmeric, ginger, elder, garlic, quercetin, EGCG [green tea]

If you pump in antioxidants into pub med whether for covid or community acquired pneumonia you’ll find a lot of research

The book from 2013 Herbal Antivirals also covers a number of ways to deal herbally with every stage of infection and inflammation and cytokine storm in a SARS type infection. Doctors using supplements eg Dr Rob Silverman or Ben Lynch can be useful for people who need help if they are already on meds they can’t use herbs so easily.

*this is a snippet from an hour long interview May 2020, if they’d interviewed real experts instead of media hype discussing Bill Gates’s plans we’d be doing better now, lesson re real experts.