What is Personalized Nutrition for Cancer | What foods / Supplements are recommended?

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We develop and offer online technology that finds the scientifically best match of nutrition (food and supplements) for you. As and when there are changes in genetics, lifestyle, and treatment; you can get updated personalized nutrition.

Good Morning and Welcome to the addon technology seminar.

The topic for our seminar today is – What is Personalized Nutrition for cancer?

The addon technology personalized nutrition solution includes the following.

Food, Supplements, and explanation for why Scientifically Right!

We start with a few fundamental concepts. Cancer outcomes are influenced by genetics, treatment, nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle.

American Cancer Society has guidelines for nutrition and exercise based on evidence.

Because for cancer no two individuals are alike – we are taking the guidelines forward through personalization.

Hence we personalize nutrition based on genetics, lifestyle, age, gender, treatment, and other factors.

And therefore integrative medicine is becoming an important component for cancer care.

The personalized nutrition for cancer includes the following.

Recommended Food which you can buy from your favorite grocery store.

Not Recommended Food.
Not Recommended Nutritional Supplements.
The Scientifically Right Supplements.

And finally the science to explain scientifically right for health care professionals.

One Question! For Personalized nutrition – what foods are included.

Great Question. For personalized nutrition – vegetables, fruits, spices, and nuts are included in the food.

I will now show you all one complete example to demonstrate the addon personalized nutrition solution.

In this example – the recommended foods include Buckwheat, cloves, cocoa bean, and a long list not shown here.

After that is a list of food items which are not recommended. In this example, they are cabbage, aloe vera, pecan nuts along with others.

Next is the personalized nutritional supplements. We start with what is not recommended. Because for cancer wrong nutrition harms!

In this example – Curcumin, Lycopene, and Vitamin C are not recommended.

Next are names of personalized supplements which are scientifically right.

The intent is to list those supplements whose cumulative action reduces cellular pathways which drive cancer.

Question – Along with the right food – will supplement additionally help?

Every food contains one or more active ingredients. Nutritional supplements contain a high concentration of selected active ingredients. When not an option to eat large quantities of saying spinach – then a nutritional supplement will be helpful.

That is provided the nutrition is scientifically right.

Thanks for the answer. Another question – from where do we buy the supplements.

Included with every scientifically right supplement are one or more reference online sources from where they can be purchased. Also, the dosing information is included to make the information completely actionable.

Finally, we explain why the personalized supplements are scientifically wrong or right.

This information is for sharing with your health care professionals.

Curcumin and the ongoing treatments have interactions which are harmful. And hence curcumin supplement is not recommended.

The three cellular pathways which drive cancer based on given genetics, lifestyle, and treatment are listed here.

And Caffeine and Vitamin D3 are scientifically right because they manipulate the personalized cellular pathways based on their action.

Thank you for attending the addon technology seminar. Please contact website for additional information.

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