My Food Stock For Self Isolation Immune Suppressed Transplant Recipient | Covid19 Precautions 2020

I am not sick. I have chosen to stock up on food. For a couple reason. 1: My doctor advised me to stay home because I am at risk for the new corona virus that is spreading. And 2: My son recently moved out and I will no longer be receiving help with bills. (and food assistance was denied). I have plenty of food to get me by for a good while. I watched a video from “Hupples cat” …where he showed the food he recently bought in preparation for possible disruption in society and food shortages. I mentioned to him that I had done the same and considered showing it and explained how important it was to show everyone that this is serious. He said show it. So here I am. I didn’t show everything. Mostly what I had recently bought for long shelf life. Any questions or comments please don’t hesitate. Though I’d like to leave the politics out of it. And I am by no means specialized in any of this.

Having a new virus around means you may need to do things different for awhile. Be prepared for any disruption in society, and in access to supplies and access to healthcare.

I am going mostly by what I would get from a food bank and what I am used to when I struggled for food in the past. I am starting to learn to be more healthy. But Need more improving.


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