Green Beauty Intel: Vitamin C Derivatives

Hi Friends!
The main takeaway from this video is that the verdict is out of Vitamin C derivatives. Have you seen improvements with the use of one?

So I mention several studies:
1# Source is:
Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 11, 310–317
Stability, transdermal penetration, and cutaneous effects of ascorbic acid and its derivatives
Available on Read Cube

2# study:
J Invest Dermatol. 2002 Nov;119(5):1103-8.
Vitamin C derivative ascorbyl palmitate promotes ultraviolet-B-induced lipid peroxidation and cytotoxicity in keratinocytes
Available on Pub Med

Products I mention:
One Love Organics Vitamin C serum
Odacite Autumn on the World
Kypress Beauty Elixir Balancing flowers
Osea Sea Vitamin Boost
100 Pure Vitamin C serum
Orgaid Sheet masks
Mad Hippie Vitamin C serum