Testimonial – Scientifically Right Personalized Nutrition for Prostate Cancer |

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We develop and offer online technology that finds the scientifically best match of nutrition (food and supplements) for you. As and when there are changes in genetics, lifestyle, and treatment; you can get updated personalized nutrition.

Milind: Another fantastic day. I need to complete my medical checkup before going home today.

Milind: Sanjiv – I am at the hospital right now. Let me call you back once I get home. Got it. Bye.
After getting out of here – I will go to the gym for an hour. Weekend coming up – and I am looking forward to it. Good time to come to the gym. Pam in pink is looking cute today.

Milind: Let me make pav bhaji today. Have to get potatoes, onions, cilantro, and lots of butter and bread. Tastes delicious. The kids will love it. Let me make some muffins also. I can drop off two muffins for Shelly and Thomas.

Milind: How do you like pav bhaji? Have some extra sourdough bread also.

Kids: Love it, Daddy. Yes. It is good.

Milind: After clean up – want to watch Bollywood movie? Sure.

Milind: So are the results of the medical test conclusive or can you do other tests to confirm the diagnosis? OK – so the PSA levels are high. And the diagnosis is prostate cancer. Please schedule my appointment with the doctor as soon as possible.

Milind: How will I manage? My clients. My commitments. This one diagnosis of prostate cancer has completely changed my life. I will need to do everything possible to fight this disease.

Shelly: Milind – I did read the clinical papers and surgery is the right option. I suggest two things. After surgery – let’s send the cancer tissue for DNA sequencing. That will tell us about the exact mutations. And from that, we can tell which could be the right treatment after surgery.

Shelly: And the second thing is personalized nutrition – that is food and supplements which scientifically is right. There is lots of evidence that cancer outcomes are influenced by nutrition and exercise. Since every individual is different – the treatment and also nutrition should be personalized to lifestyle, type of cancer, gender, age, and other relevant factors.

Milind: Yes, Shelly. I want to do everything possible.

Shelly: Milind – Let’s start with getting nutrition personalization done for prostate cancer and radiation. And as we get more information post-surgery – we will customize it further. I recommend using the addon technology for nutrition personalization.

We can go to today and get the process started.

Milind: So according to addon technology – I need to avoid Vitamin A or Retinol. Then I need to get Lycopene. Tomatoes contain lycopene so we will start with tomatoes in every meal. Also, addon technology asked me to avoid Vitamin E.

Shelly: Milind – glad that the surgery went well. The tissue will go to the lab for sequencing next.

In the coming months – before your radiation – we will continue the focus on personalized nutrition from addon technology.

Milind: I have to keep fighting my cancer until the PSA levels are normal again. Let me get my daily food nutrition. And exercise every day. Wheat pizza with lots of tomatoes and greens is tasty and good for me. And I compliment the food with the scientifically right supplements which will help my upcoming radiation response.

Milind: I will stop all my supplements before I start radiation and start them after the radiation is done.

Doctor: Great news Milind. Your PSA level is normal now. You have handled the treatment very well. I think your focus on nutrition before the treatment got started helped a lot. Keep up the healthy diet and whatever else you taking.

Milind: Thanks, Doctor. I am a firm believer in the influence of nutrition and exercise on cancer outcomes along with the right treatment. I feel good. The sun is out again.

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