COVID-19. BALI. Food Aid support program.

There are few places on Earth where the local people rely so heavily on tourism as they do in Bali. Eighty per cent of people in Bali depend on tourism to survive, whether directly or indirectly.

The current situation in Bali for many locals is desperate. The economy has collapsed. Tourists are all gone. Hotels, restaurants, bars, attractions are closed, across Bali
Current estimates are; more than 500,000 people have lost their jobs & incomes already in Bali.
The number climbs daily. There is no Social Welfare payment available in Bali for unemployment. No state support.

Hundreds of families living in the rural villages across Bali subsist on less than $2 a day at the best of times. They can often only survive because they have young family members working in the restaurants, hotels, & bars in South Bali, sending money home each month. Those same family members are now returned to their villages, to their families, without money, having lost their jobs due to this Covid-19 crisis. For whole families, life itself has literally become a fight for survival.

Global Village Foundation Bali, in April began a FOODAID DELIVERY PROGRAM, delivering FOODAID packages to the poorest families, many of whom we are already familiar with, through our Disability projects
We need to expand this FOODAID program quickly to reach many more desperate hungry families in North, East, & Central Bali villages.

Global Village Foundation works closely with the Department of Social Welfare in Singaraja (Dinas Sosial) and with the Kepala Desa’s (the Village Heads) in many of the North & East Bali Villages. Through them, we are able to identify the most vulnerable families in need of immediate FOODAID support.

A standard GVF FOODAID parcel costs us approx. 20 Euros (A$35 Aus) to produce,
It includes; 10kgs Rice, Cooking Oil, Eggs, Coffee,tea,sugar, Noodles, Spices & sauces, Hand sanitizer, Hand soap & detergents, Fruit/Vegetables, & Vitamin supplements when available. If babies are present we also include Milk powder.
We supply New Drinking Water Filtration systems to families who do not yet have one, so they no longer need buy drinking water.
To maintain, and keep this FOODAID program going for the next few weeks, we desperately need your support.
In these extremely uncertain times, we really do need your help to support these beautiful Balinese people, families living in severe poverty at the best of times, who have now lost all or part of their family income due to the impact of COVID-19.
For so many in the villages of Bali, this virus is not the only threat. Malnutrition, death from hunger, and related complications are very real possibilities.
Any donation small or not so small will be hugely appreciated.

Global Village Foundation (based in North Bali) has been assisting the poor, and the disabled of Bali since 2013, especially in the poorer villages of North & East Bali.
(We are the largest distributor of Free Wheelchairs to poor disabled people in Bali, and have distributed Free of charge, nearly 600 wheelchairs across North Bali in the past 3 years alone)

To donate to Global Village Foundation our Bank details in Bali are;

ACCOUNT NUMBER; 145 00 1164924 7
BANK TEL. NUMBER; +62 (0362) 94790 / 94793

Please reference FOOD AID Program.

If you are in Australia you can donate through our partners ADOPT A SCHOOL, based in Perth WA. (Website;

Account details are as follows;

ANZ BANK 016-286

Account number 4958-51244

Account name; AdoptASchool association

Please reference; GLOBAL VILLAGE FOODAID. & a contact telephone number.

If you are in New Zealand, you can donate to the following account;

Bank. BNZ
Account No. 02-0865-0246384-013
Account name; Global V Foundation.

In the Netherlands it is possible to donate into the following account;

Naam: Van Roon inzake Nederland Steunt Global Village Foundation Bali
Rekeningnummer: NL71 ABNA 0542 0226 72

It is also possible to donate direct from anywhere in the World using PAYPAL by visiting the donations page of our website.

Thank you.
Stay strong.
God bless you, at this most difficult time.

The team @ Global Village Foundation. Bali.

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The Global Village Foundation Bali is a fully registered Charity in Indonesia. Registration No; AHU-0017736.AH.01.04