Immunity Booster | Kashaya | Healthy Drink | Build your Immunity | Home remedies for cough & cold

Hope you all well and keeping safe!
In todays video I’m sharing a recipe called Kashaya
Kashaya is a hot beverage, a soothing warm drink, an ancient home remedy that I follow all the time to get rid and tackle sore throat, cough and cold as it is made using Turmeric, Spices and fresh milk.

I make Kashaya using the ingredients at home which have powerful medicinal properties such as Turmeric, Peppercorns, Cloves, Coriander seeds, Cumin seeds, Jaggery and Milk!

Turmeric – is a medicinal herb which contains bio active compounds with powerful medicinal properties. It has anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong anti-oxidant protecting your body from free radicals.

Pepper corn – is a versatile spice which fights respiratory diseases, improves kidney function, liver function, fights against insect bites, helps to fight common cold, improves blood sugar control and also has properties to fight cancer.

Cloves – not only have a strong aromatic flavour but also filled with medicinal properties containing Vitamin-C, strengthening your immune system and Vitamin-K which is an important nutrient for blood clotting. Cloves help stop growth of micro-organisms like bacteria. Including cloves in your diet along with other anti-oxidant rich foods can help improve the overall health.

Coriander seeds – These tiny seeds are rich immune boosting anti-oxidants. They contain anti-microbial compounds that help fight infections and food borne illnesses.

Cumin seeds – Cumin as a spice is not just tasty and delicious but helps in digestion, provides Iron, improves blood sugar control and reduces food borne illnesses.

Jaggery – the natural sweetener, the immunity builder acts as a respiratory tract cleanser, cleaning lungs and throat.

Ginger – has many powerful medicinal properties. It helps in digestion, reduces nausea, helps fight the flu and common cold. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Using fresh ginger can be effective to fight against virus and respiratory infections.

Garlic – is rich in Vitamin-C, Vitamin-B6 and Manganese. Garlic helps prevent the severity of common illnesses like the flu and common cold. Garlic is not only just delicious but can easily be incorporated in your daily diet. It is also believed to have medicinal properties.

Milk – contains Vitamin-A which helps to build a strong immune system to fight off infections. It also has Vitamin-B12 needed to form red blood cells that carry oxygen to the muscles, brain and other vital organs. Also, a good source of protein for muscle building.

Serves: 2

Prep time: 10 min

Milk – 1 cup
Water – 1 cup
Pepper corns – 35
Cloves – 8
Cumin Seeds – 1 tsp
Coriander seeds – 1 ½ tsp
Garlic – 3 g
Ginger – 20 g
Jaggery – 20 g
Turmeric – ¼ tsp

– In a mixer jar, add in all the spices mentioned above except milk, water, jaggery and turmeric to form a paste (add very little of water if required).
– Add water, milk, turmeric in a pan along with the spiced paste and boil it for 8 minutes. Add in jaggery and let it boil for another 2 mins.
– Turn off the flame, sieve to a cup and enjoy while hot!!

If you would like to watch : Immunity boosting drink | Build your Immune | Spice drink | Turmeric drink | health benefits of turmeric |Healthy Drink | Home remedies for cough and cold |Kashaya | How to get rid of Cough and cold at home | Home remedies for Sore throat | Healing drink |Healthy Drink |Drinks for health | Immunity Builder | Build your immunity with this drink | Immunity Power | Amazing Turmeric Benefits

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