11 Signs Your Body Is Begging For Vitamin C

These 11 symptoms can be the result of a vitamin C (ascorbic acid) deficiency.

An antioxidant and micronutrient, vitamin C plays a vital role in producing collagen and in reducing oxidative stress – among many other benefits to your body and immune health.

A deficiency in vitamin C can result in:

1. Easy or Random Bruising
2. Corkscrew Shaped Body Hair
3. Fatigue / Low Mood
4. Inexplicable Weight Gain
5. Anemia / Iron Deficiency
6. Bleeding Gums
7. Irregular Fingernails
8. Slow Wound Healing
9. Painful and Swollen Joints
10. Frequent Nosebleeds
11. Dry Skin and Damaged Hair

Since the body doesn’t store or produce vitamin C, you’ll have to get it from outside sources.

Some of the best vitamin-C rich foods/best ways to get vitamin C/ are:
– Potatoes

It may seem odd, but one potato can serve you over 30% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin C. Not only that, but they’re also a great source of carbohydrates, are low in calories, and high in other micronutrients like Vitamin B.

– Bell Peppers

Contrary to what many people think, bell or red peppers are actually fruits, not vegetables. They contain more Vitamin C than oranges and can be just as delicious.

– Lemon or Detox Water/Juice

One of the most passive and convenient ways to ingest adequate levels of Vitamin C is to slip some fruit slices into your water.

Want to learn more? Watch the video! We go more in-depth on each point.

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