UAE stem cell therapy: Revolutionary treatment helps cure COVID-19 patients

UAE stem cell therapy: Revolutionary treatment helps cure COVID-19 patients

Publish on may 02, 2020
Now, UAE researchers have demonstrated they’re in the leading edge of this breakthrough in medicine. Abu Dhabi-based doctors have announced pioneering work in stem cell therapy to repair lung damage caused by coronavirus infection. One simple yet fascinating aspect of this new therapy: it’s administered through inhalation.
It’s a potential “wow” moment for immunotherapy and regenerative medicine — the Abu Dhabi team sucessfully treated 73 COVID-19 patients, who were cured of COVID-19 before hospital discharge.
Numerous vaccine trials are undeway for COVID-19, but a safe and effective jab that can be used on a massive scale on healthy patients is at least a year away.
How many COVID-19 patients were treated with UAE stem cell therapy?
Treatment was administered on 73 confirmed positive COVID-19 patients, and was considered a success, after they were cured of the virus by inhaling the treatment into their lungs after it has been “nebulised into a fine mist”.
The pioneering treatment is hypothesised to have its therapeutic effect by regenerating lung cells and modulating the immune response to keep it from overreacting to the COVID-19 infection and causing further damage to healthy cells.
SARS-CoV-2 is a newly-discovered pathogen that primarily attacks the lungs (and airway epithelium). This leads to the development of an infectious and inflammatory respiratory disease, called COVID-19, partly as a result of the over-reaction of the human immune system which then leads to acute pneumonia — and can be deadly.

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