COVID-19 And Vaccines- Interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Kennedy goes on to share some of his insights and take on what Judy discusses in her book, the potential relationship between the flu vaccine and COVID-19, and his views on the COVID-19 vaccines currently being fast-tracked.

• Dangerous coronavirus experiments led by Dr. Anthony Fauci went on in the U.S. until 2014 when President Obama ordered the work to stop due to safety violations at three biolabs. Fauci then moved the operations to the Wuhan lab in China and continued coronavirus experiments right up until the time that the COVID-19 pandemic occurred
• The COVID-19 epidemic may have been generated to ensure that dangerous coronavirus research would continue and receive fresh funding
• To accelerate a virus’ evolution, you grow it in several types of animal tissue, such as pangolin kidney tissue followed by feral monkey kidney cells and mouse brain tissue
• Each time you transfer the virus to another animal tissue, mutations occur. There’s also evidence showing these animal cell lines are contaminated with coronaviruses and retroviruses, which end up contaminating the vaccines grown in them
• Coronavirus vaccine development has proven very difficult over the past 30 years, as the vaccines create very robust antibody response, but when the patient encounters the wild virus, they become severely ill and often die — a reaction known as paradoxical immune response or paradoxical immune enhancement

Read more:

SARS-CoV-2- Interview with Judy Mikovits

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