Cysteine in a Minute | #WOW

Just a minute: Cysteine 🥜🧀🥚🥩🍗🍣🧀

• What? Cysteine
• Why? Detox, Anti-oxidation, Respiratory, Immune, and Brain
• Which? N-Acetyl-Cysteine (“NAC”)
• How Much? (500-1200mg/day)
• Where? Seeds, Nuts, Oats, Legumes, Eggs, Dairy, Pork-Beef-Lamb-Poultry, and Fish

FYI- People with chronic disease, immune deficiency, autoimmune disorders and degenerative diseases are most likely to have insufficient cysteine.

In order to use cysteine to make the master anti-oxidant glutathione, good levels of folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are required. A high quality B-complex is usually added when taking N-acetyl cysteine (NAC.)

NAC is used orally and as an inhaled mist in order to help break up mucus in respiratory illnesses.

Research shows that NAC can help with addictions (nicotine, alcohol, marijuana) and impulsive behaviors (skin picking, hair pulling, nail biting.)

#WOW with Doc Wade
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