Just For Now – Tommy Ashby (Lockdown song for my sister's Birthday)

It was my sister’s birthday recently and she spent it doctoring, examining coronavirus patients on admission to hospital. I wasn’t really sure what I could do to brighten up her day but I was attempting to play banjo for the first time in a while and so I thought I would try to write a cheesy song about missing family and the weirdness of everything at the mo. Seems a bit of a silly present compared to what is happening but hopefully it brings a wee bit of joy. It was definitely a lot of fun to make! Big up dad’s double bass playing; Toby’s vitamin packet playing; Lydia’s vocals; and mum, Hannah, Adam and Robbie’s fabulous dancing skillz! AND BIG UP MY BIG SISTER FOR BEING AWESOME!!! Xx #stayhome #nhs #happybirthday

Ps. what’s your favourite dancemove?!?