Saturday 25th April, Global Update

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COVID – 19, Saturday 25th April 2, 822, 003 197,578

Needs to be equally available to all
Data shared
Resources mobilised
Germany, France,

No evidence you can’t get Covid-19 twice
Even if recovered people have antibodies
Warned against ‘immunity passport’ or ‘risk-free certificates’
Keep to standard advice
Antibody tests not always reliable
False negatives
False positives
Chile, ‘health passports’

Europe looking at reopening

EU raising $8 billion to make supplies available

Cases, 159,953
Deaths, 22, 279
Haberdashery shops, reopen early

Cases 219,764
Deaths + 367 + 378 = 22, 902

Cases, 45,325
Deaths, 6,917
11th May starting reopening
Masks on public transport mandated

Cases, 144,640
Deaths 768 = 19,506

Cases, 83,901
Deaths, 4,636
10 days no deaths
Mostly imported cases
Feb 20, 2020, there would have been 232 000 cases

Sri Lanka
Cases, 420
Deaths, 7
Increasing cases
Nationwide curfew over the weekend

Cases, 17, 567
Deaths, 2, 152
Death rates currently higher than Denmark, Germany, Norway, Finland, Poland
Limited social distancing
Restaurants open
Herd immunity, people in lower risk groups exposed
Works on trust

Cases, 192,994
Deaths, 25,969

From May 4, 2.7 million back to work

Essential travel only
Passengers will be strongly advised to wear masks on public transport
Mandated on flights
Hand sanitiser on buses, trains and trams, many seats empty
One-way lanes for passengers
Taxis, two or more passengers, all must wear face masks.
Staggered work times
Work from home
Government wants to build more bike lanes and may offer incentives for bicycles and electric scooters
Until a vaccine arrives
‘Back on Track’ project

If someone gets the disease, their close contacts will be alerted to stay away from work
Wide scale testing

United States
Cases, 905, 333
Deaths, 51, 949

Increasing cases in,
Nebraska 99%
Iowa 90%
Arkansas 60%
South Dakota 44%
Oklahoma 26%

Reopening leaders,
Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alaska, Ohio, Tennessee

Most common comorbidities (JAMA)
5,700 patients
Hypertension (3026; 56.6%)
Obesity (1737; 41.7%)
Diabetes (1808; 33.8%)

ANZAC day 25th April
Closed services
Families at end of driveway

Gaza strip
2m people
17 known cases
No community transmission

Cases, 104, 912
Deaths, 2, 600
Deaths have to be tested positive
WHO recommends clinically diagnosed should be included

Cases, 3, 607
Deaths, 176
Prison riot Buenos Aires
Many have chronic diseases

Cases, 21, 648
Deaths, 634
1,300 police tested positive

Cases in China may be higher

Lancet study on Chinese numbers

NZ data

JAMA on NY Study

Sneeze video

Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions
Potential Implications for Reducing Transmission of COVID-19


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