COVID-19 The Texas A&M System Responds – Episode 5

One of Texas A&M’s top researchers is leading a clinical trial that quickly could bring a treatment for COVID-19.

To be successful, Dr. Jeffrey Cirillo needs about 700 participants in Texas for the Phase 4 trial. Initially, only medical professionals are eligible to take part because, as Dr. Cirillo says, “We need to find a way to protect health care workers.”

Dr. Cirillo is using an existing vaccine for TB as a possible treatment that boosts a person’s immune system. The clinical trial is designed to show if the vaccine, BCG, mitigates the effects of COVID-19, making it less deadly.

I talked with Dr. Cirillo recently for the latest episode of “COVID-19: The Texas A&M System Responds.” You also can see my interview with Greg Hartmann, COO and SVP of the Texas A&M Health Science Center, on the same show.