Day 20: How the Ultimate Stress Shield Works to Boost Immunity WITHOUT Diet, Exercise or Supplements

Dr. Jade Teta presents “How the “Ultimate Stress Shield” Works 24/7 to Boost Immunity WITHOUT Diet, Exercise or Supplements.”

This is lesson #20 in the Immunity Upgrade Blueprint from Metabolic Living.

In this lecture, Dr. Jade will walk you through a 6-step, powerful exercise that helps you create a “stress shield” for your mind, body and emotions.

Remember, stress can really trash your immune system. That’s because it releases the stress hormone cortisol. When cortisol is too high for too long, it can disrupt your metabolic hormones. That means your metabolism can’t fuel your immune system with the energy it needs to defend you.

Ironically, this stress shield has nothing to do with exercise, nutrition, or supplements… yet Dr. Jade says it could be THE most important thing you do.

Research shows people who have what you’re about to create tend to get sick less often. They have more energy, stronger hearts and stronger muscles. Plus, it helps them stay positive and hold healthy boundaries.

Jade says this same exercise changed his life. And he’s seen it change the lives of hundreds—if not thousands—of other people, too.

So take some time now to give this exercise your full attention. Carve out some time to think and write… so you can ensure you have this “stress shield” working for you, 24/7.

** Remember, the most EFFECTIVE thing you can do to boost immunity is to strengthen your metabolism. That’s because your metabolism creates the energy your immune system needs to defend you. And Dr. Jade’s Immunity Upgrade Blueprint will walk you through that, step by step.

Click here to watch the Immunity Upgrade Blueprint series from the beginning:

** We’re here to help! Please comment below with ANY questions you have. Dr. Jade or one of the Metabolic Living coaches will do their best to jump in.

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