Zincovit Uses, Side Effects, Composition and Dosag..etc

Zincovit Tablet
Zincovit Tablet is multi-vitamin and minerals tablet manufactured by Apex Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Active ingredients of Zincovit tablet include Biotin, Carbohydrates, Chromium, Copper, Folic acid, Iodine, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Niacinamide, Selenium, Essential advanced vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E) and Zinc.

Zincovit Tablet Nature:

Dietary supplement

Zincovit Tablet Uses:

Decrease in appetite, hair loss, confirmed or suspected vitamin deficiencies, general weakness and loss of energy, skin and general well-being

Zincovit Tablet Composition:

Vitamins, minerals , folic acid, iodine and zinc

Zincovit Tablet Side effects:

Constipation, kidney stones, nerve damage and itching


Alcohol, pregnancy and breastfeeding(only if recommended)

Zincovit Tablet Price in India:

Zincovit Tablet Price – Price : Rs. 160 (Pack of 2) , Rs.316 (Pack of 4)

Zincovit Syrup Price – Price : Rs. 217(Pack of 2) , Rs.424.8( Pack of 4)

Zincovit Oral drops – Price : Rs. 86 (Pack of 2) , Rs.172 (Pack of 4)

Composition & Ingredients in Zincovit Tablet and Syrup:

Zincovit tablet contains  Vitamins A, B complex, C, D, and E, minerals and Zinc. Zincovit tablet is prescribed by doctors in suspected cases of dietary deficiency and in diseases when proper nutrition absorption by the body gets hampered or in any medical situation in which the body is not able to derive proper nutrition from regular food intake.

Uses and Benefits of Zincovit Tabet and Zincovit Syrup:

Zincovit tablet is prescribed by doctors for treatment of numerous medical conditions that might lead to deficiencies, these include but not exclusively:

Appetite loss and weight loss conditions

Hair loss, skin problems, weak nails

Anemia (megaloblastic, pernicious, nutritional, pregnancy, infancy and childhood)

Thiamine deficiency and other deficiency diseases like scurvy

Diarrhea, inability to absorb nutrients

Recovery and Convalescence

General weakness or fatigue conditions

After surgical procedures

During pregnancies and growth years

To treat vitamin and zinc deficiencies

Nutritional support in acute or chronic illnesses

Nutritional supplement

Eye problems

Skin diseases

Aphthous ulcers