Life Beyond Coronavirus: What will it take to end isolation?

In the second episode of our six-part web series ‘Life Beyond Coronavirus:The Expert view’ our panel dissect the latest data about coronavirus in Australia and explore the new COVID-19 trace and track app 👣👀; how it works, how we can protect our civil rights ✊🏼and if it has a role to play in lifting public health restrictions. 🏠😷

Panellists 👥 🎓
🔷Professor Jodie McVernon
Head of the Modelling and Simulation Unit, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health
Director of Doherty Epidemiology, The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity

🔷 Professor Adrienne Stone
Kathleen Fitzpatrick Australian Laureate Fellow
Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor
Director, Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies

🔷Professor Simon Dennis
Director of the Complex Human Data Hub (CHDH)
Head of the Memory and Language Lab
Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences

Panel moderated by 👤🎓
🔷 Professor Shitij Kapur
Dean, Faculty of Medicine Dentistry and Health Sciences
Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Health)

Discussion breakdown🧐⤵️
02:10 – What will it take to end isolation?
03:55 – How is Australia managing to flatten the curve of the epidemic?
05:00 – Elimination vs. controlled suppression
08:01- How does the CovidSafe app work?
11:37 -Contact tracing and disease detectives
13:08 – Human memory deficit
13:53 – Civic trust and community acceptance
19:00 – Privacy concerns and how our data is used
21:39 – Why we need legislation to ensure proper scrutiny
22:36 – The argument for a virtual parliament
24:10 – The significance of the Australian senate committee on COVID-19
24:45 – The new testing regime, and the gold standard
25:18 – How much testing do we actually need?
27:00 – Immunity tests: Are they reliable? How long does immunity to COVID-19 last?
30:00 – Immunity passports vs contact tracing apps: which do Australians prefer?
31:14 – What evidence is there that the contact tracing app improves our public health protection?
33:33 – What are the safe guards we need to have in place to ensure CovidSafe is not misused?
34:29 – Why Australians need to be co-operative but watchful of how government operates with its new powers
37:05 Infringement of civil rights: in an age of isolation how can activism and protests continue?
38:26 Who are the vulnerable in a self-isolated society that relies so heavily on technology?
40:06 What would a positive lasting legacy to the coronavirus pandemic experience look like?

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