Your daily needs of Vitamins – Neuherbs True Vitamins with Iodine | 360 Degree Wellness – Neuherbs

Neuherbs True Vitamins with Iodine | 360 Degree Wellness – Neuherbs

Q.1. Why does one need Multivitamins?
Healthy eating with regular workout is a very good practice for following a healthy lifestyle. Along with these, consuming quality multivitamins can complement one’s effort for getting a healthy lifestyle.
Multivitamins are essential for living a healthy life. Make sure that the body is getting enough amount of minerals and vitamins what it needs, which are vital to fill the body’s dietary gaps when the body is unable to extract multivitamins from regular food.
Multivitamins also play an essential role in producing energy and keep the body active. If there is a lack of multivitamins in the body, several health issues like laziness, eye weakness, bone decaying and indigestion can take place.

Q.2. What are the benefits of Multivitamins?

Support healthy heart: Studies show that consuming the best quality multivitamins is useful to reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Minerals like Niacin, magnesium and vitamins like K1, B6, B1, B2 are essential for cardiovascular health.
Good for eye health: Multivitamins is a combination of zeaxanthin, lutein and vitamins like A, E, and C that lower the risk of vision loss or macular degeneration. Even multivitamins like MulSelenium, lutein, Niacin (B3), and zeaxanthin protect the eyes from harmful rays like UV and Blue rays.
Boost immunity: Some vitamins like C, D and E are useful to prevent allergy in the body and boost the immune system.
Slow down the ageing process: Over the time, the body’s nutritional needs increase but the body finds it difficult to extract and absorb nutrients from food. Regular consumption of multivitamin makes up this shortfall thus slows down the ageing process.
May lower cancer risks: A study found that men who intake multivitamin supplements daily, can reduce the free radicals significantly that cause of the risk of cancer.
Reduces anxiety and stress: Vitamin B and its family increase energy levels and lower the stress and anxiety level.
Healthy skin and hair: Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, and biotin nourish the scalp, which results in strong and bouncy hair. Else it, you can choose Vitamins A, C, E and Coenzyme Q10 supplements for healthy and glowing skin.
Water-soluble vitamins: As water-soluble vitamins are carried to the body’s cells, so these can dissolve in the body quickly. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, the body cannot store water-soluble vitamins. So, one has to consume these vitamins regularly. Some of the water-soluble vitamins are Vitamin A in its Beta-Carotene form, Vitamin C and vitamin B complex: B1(thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), and B12.