Vitamin C Powder – What is the Best Vitamin C Supplement for you?! – Ester C & Liposomal C

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about vitamin c? Good for the immune system? To fight off a cold in winter? Oranges? In this video, we discover some hidden benefits of vitamin C that might surprise you. This vitamin is incredibly powerful and versatile. Don’t miss out on its power to help boost your healing.ELt’s learn more about vitamin c powder and how to find the best vitamin C supplement for you!

★Ester C (start with 1 capsule – increase to 2 capsules/day

★Liquid Liposomal C (start with 1/2 Tbsp – increase to 1 Tbsp/day)

★Hawaiian Spirulina (2×5 tabs/day)

★ Spirulina from Vimergy (recommended by Medical Medium)

★Vitamin C from 100% Fruits & Berries – body-friendly & great addition to your diet (1 capsule/day)

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