Vitamins and Minerals for a Healthy Body and Mind | Helpful Heads

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So many of us wish we had more energy, healthier body, and sharper focus. Likewise, we often find ourselves wishing that we had better skin or hair. We wish that we could sleep better at night, and wish that it was a little bit easier to wake up.

We’re looking for answers, and we’re desperate. We’re willing to try anything. And we hope, each time, that we’re about to stumble upon the answer and unlock our full potential.

We’re over complicating matters. And this is largely due to the huge amount of marketing that gets thrown at us on a daily basis.In truth, improving the way you look and feel is very simple: it’s about the basics!

Consider what is very likely to be your current lifestyle and your current diet:
• You don’t manage your five fruits and vegetables a day
• You eat a lot of processed foods and ready meals
• You go to the gym 3 times a week or less – and aren’t particularly mobile the rest of the time
• You don’t get enough sleep
• You are in a state of chronic stress due to work, family, and financial pressures
• You spend a lot of your free time on the couch, watching cartoons
• You spend more than eight hours a day looking at a computer screen, with a hunched back, staring at a bright screen
• You spend barely any time outdoors
• You drink contaminated tap water
• You breathe harmful smog-filled air

This is a rather bleak picture, but it’s true for MANY of us. We don’t eat enough greens, we don’t sleep, we gorge on sugary foods, and we’re stressed all the time. Then we wonder why we don’t feel 100%!

What many people don’t realize is that we literally are what we eat. You hear this a lot, but many people assume that it is a kind of metaphor. But no your body takes in the nutrients that you consume and then it uses those nutrients to actually rebuild your body.

For example, your bones are made partly from calcium, and magnesium. These also help to strengthen your connective tissue (tendons and ligaments), your teeth, and your nails. Connective tissues similarly benefit from the likes of collagen (found in bone broth) which also helps to improve your skin.

If only you could get more fruit and vegetables in your diet then, you would become the healthiest and most effective version of yourself. And that in turn might then give you the energy and willpower to do the rest.

Fruits and vegetables can even supercharge your metabolism, helping you to burn through much more fat! So let’s get to it.

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