The SFN Show, Episode 10: Kathryn Fielding talks Vitamin D

Kathryn Fielding works in the marketing department at KXU as well as being a Yoga Instructor, but her main profession is a nutritionist.

In this episode, Kathryn discusses Vitamin D, or “the sunshine vitamin” as some people like to call it.

There’s so much more to vitamin D than we think and you don’t just get it just from the sun. Vitamin D is a fat soluble hormone that our bodies need for bone health, body health as well as acting as an anti-inflammatory. Our bodies need vitamin D and more than half of the UK population are deficient in it!

Here’s how you can increase your vitamin D:

1. Through the sunshine (from October until April in the UK, we don’t get enough sun. And during summer, you’d have to spend half an hour with your forearms and face in the sun a day).

2. Food (cod liver oil, oily fish, salmon, sardines, mackerel, egg yolk)

3. Supplements (If you take a Vitamin D supplement, take it with a form of fat to increase absorption rate)

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