Tips for a fit and healthy life| #mzxfitness #dailytips #health #fitness #nutrition

I’m a Level 4 Certified Personal Trainer and a Sports Nutritionist, I post short videos about health and fitness called ‘Daily Tips’ on my Instagram @zaidmzxfitness.

Daily Tip #1
During this lockdown stay at home, but make sure to Vitamin D regularly; sunlight is the only source of Vitamin D so stand out in your balconies or rooftops, or if you have sunlight coming in through your windows it doors, stand there for about 15/20 mins everyday.

Daily Tip#2
Whenever you drink water or any liquid, DO NOT gulp it down; instead take sips of the liquid, keep it in your mouth for a second and then swallow…
Gulping or chugging down water causes the water to run down the throat, missing out on carrying saliva to the stomach.
Sipping water and allowing it to stay in the mouth and then passing through the food pipe helps the saliva reach the stomach to neutralise acid levels in the stomach and also reduces strain on your kidneys.

Daily Tip#3
Add chia seeds to water
Chia seeds are a good source of fibre, they keep your body cool and also help in weight loss.
Chia seeds when mixed with water turn into gel, they expand your stomach causing you to eat less and hence help in weight loss.

Daily Tip#4
Pumpkins have high contents of beta carotene which is very good for you eyes and skin.
If you can’t find pumpkins, eat carrots

Daily Tip#5
The lockdown being extended is not an excuse to skip training. Train at home, use what you have..
Train Hard, Stay Strong and Stay Safe

Daily Tip#6
If you want to protect your eyes and skin from the hot sun this summer, eat sweet potatoes.
Sweet potatoes contain a tour of antioxidant called ‘carotenoid’ which helps protect your eyes and skin from sun damage.

Daily Tip#7: chewing Curry leaves in the morning helps in better digestion

Daily Tip#8
Adults must get 8-9 hours of sleep a day
The best way would be get about 8 hours of sleep during the night and 1 hour during the day.

Daily Tip#9…
Eating raw mangoes helps prevent loss of electrolytes, water and iron from the body.
Raw mangoes are also very beneficial in protecting you against heatstroke.

Daily Tip#10
Broccoli contains phytochemicals that help strengthen the body’s immune system, they are also an anti aging food.

Daily Tip#11
Eating bitter gourd or karela helps maintain proper balance in the gut (stomach), but not if you eat it once in 6 months; you have eat it regularly.

Daily Tip#12
Adding fennel seeds (saunf) to your diet helps improve heart health and reduces inflammation.

Daily Tip #13
Tomatoes contain vitamin c, antioxidants and phytochemicals such as lycopene which help fight against chronic diseases.

Daily Tip #14
Since it’s Ramazhan time, please avoid eating oily (deep fried) foods or processed foods at the time of breaking the fast.

Daily Tip#15
Mix coriander leaves with lemon juice and warm water and drink it early in the morning for better digestive health.

Follow these simple tips and also tell your friends and family about them…
Take care.
If you’re a beginner planning on starting your fitness journey, go to; you’ll get a complete guide on building strength, stamina, speed, endurance and of course a good physique
Link in Instagram bio.
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