11 Natural Ways To Boost Your Body's Immune System

In today’s video, we will tell you how you can naturally boost your Immune System. From eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, sleeping well, washing your hands more often to quitting smoking and many more, watch till the end to find out about these and more!

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#ImmuneSystem #BoostImmuneSystem #Bestie


1. Get Enough Sleep: 00:47
2. Eat A Healthy Diet: 01:42
3. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake: 03:52
4. Wash Your Hands Often: 04:29
5. Try Aromatherapy: 05:14
6. Reduce Stress: 06:16
7. Increase Your Vitamin C Intake: 06:47
8. Add Probiotics To Your Diet: 07:23
9. Avoid Sugar: 08:10
10. Stay Hydrated: 09:10
11. Quit Smoking: 09:52


1. Get Enough Sleep: Scientists recently discovered that getting a good night’s sleep is vital for boosting the effectiveness of your immune system’s T-cells. These T cells are responsible for attacking any foreign bodies entering your system.

2. Eat A Healthy Diet: Eating a healthy diet helps your immune system by providing it with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Certain vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy immune system because they are directly involved in the immune response. Vitamins B6, C, and E, as well as the mineral zinc, can help your body fight against pathogens, and improve your immunity.

3. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake: Drinking dehydrates and stops your immune system from working optimally. Try to keep yourself hydrated by sipping water on the side while you are drinking.

4. Wash Your Hands Often: The best defence against germs that you can follow is by maintaining basic hygiene. Try washing hands with warm soapy water, or using hand sanitiser. Make sure you are washing your hands thoroughly whenever you come back home from outside.

5. Try Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is a great way to boost the immune system. Stress is a major factor behind a poorly functioning immune system. When you are stressed the body secretes cortisol, which is helpful in small doses, but in large doses, it is actually harmful to your body and lowers the body’s immune response.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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