Refresh Your Skin with 4 Easy Face Masks/Scrubs

I love to use face masks and scrubs to revitalize and refresh my skin, which I include weekly into my self-care routine. The main scrubs and/or masks that I personally use that I alternate between each week are:
~ Coffee Scrub
~ Vitamin-C and Aloe-Vera Gel Mask (also a scrub)
~ Cinnamon and Lemon Mask
~ Bentonite Clay Mask

Silky Smooth Coffee Scrub
I love coffee and make a fresh cup several times per week with my coffee bean grinder and french press. If you drink coffee as well, you can save your coffee grounds to use as a face and body scrub! Coffee is an antioxidant, it improves blood circulation and reduces inflammation because of the polyphenols and other anti-inflammatory compounds it contains. If you have puffiness or bags under your eyes, this mask will be great for you! Coffee also removes dead skin cells and improves the texture of our skin. I can’t wait for you to see how silky smooth your face and body will feel after you scrub with coffee grounds!

Glowing Vitamin-C and Aloe-Vera Gel Mask (also a scrub)
As we all know, Vitamin-C is a powerful antioxidant, which protects against free radicals, which our skin is constantly bombarded with via air pollution, especially if you live in the city. Free radicals are toxins that damage and age our skin. Vitamin-C also brightens our complexion by diminishing dark spots and discoloration. Aloe-vera is a superfood which heals burns because of its hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties.
Recipe: Mix 1 tablespoon of pure vitamin-c powder with ½ teaspoon of aloe-vera gel
Instructions: Leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes. The mask will crystalize, which when you scrub off gently, exfoliates your skin, giving it a deep cleanse.

Detoxifying Cinnamon and Lemon Mask
Cinnamon and lemon are powerful antioxidants and superfoods packed with minerals and vitamins that help nourish our body inside and out. Cinnamon helps improve blood circulation, fights off toxins, deep cleans our pores and helps keep our skin looking youthful.
Recipe: Mix 1 tablespoon syrup (honey, molasses, brown rice, maple) with ¼ teaspoon of lemon juice and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon
Instructions: Leave on your skin for 15 minutes then wash off with cold water.
Warning: You may feel a strong burning sensation due to the acidity of the lemon and/or the antioxidants from the cinnamon. Start with applying a small portion to your skin to see how it reacts. If you cannot tolerate the burning sensation, wash it off and adjust the recipe using just a pinch of cinnamon.

Purifying Green Bentonite Clay Mask
Calcium Bentonite Clay is derived from volcanic ash and contains an abundance of minerals such as magnesium, calcium, silica, sodium, iron, potassium and copper. It is known for purifying our skin by absorbing toxins and removing impurities from our pores.
Instructions: Mix 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay with 1 tablespoon of either apple-cider vinegar or water; apply to your face and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Opening song title: Our Love by SNSES
Filming by Desmond Beristain
Editing by Andrea and Desmond
Thank you!