Citadel Nutrition Athlete Vitamin & Fish Oil Review

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Video Transcript:

Hey what’s up guys, Sean Nalewanyj here,, and in this video I just want to do a really quick review of the Citadel Nutrition Athlete Vitamin Powder and their Fish Oil product.

A high quality multivitamin and a fish oil are two of the very few supplements out there that I do think are worthwhile, so I just wanted to give my thoughts on these products.

Now keep in mind I have no affiliation with Citadel Nutrition and I don’t get paid in any way for doing these reviews, but because literally 95% of fitness supplement companies out there generally put out mostly pretty crappy products, I am happy to highlight the few companies out there who do this stuff in an honest way and who use real research when formulating their products, and Citadel Nutrition is definitely one of them.

So I’m just going to keep this video quick and to the point. The first product is the Citadel Nutrition Athlete Vitamin. If you’re eating a nutrient-dense diet then yes, you are already getting plenty of vitamins and minerals from your food, but people who are training hard in the gym and who are sweating a lot do tend to have lower levels of certain micronutrients, and so in order to fully maximize your health and recovery, a high quality multivitamin is a good insurance policy to have in my opinion.

This is an interesting product because instead of providing a lower dose of a large number of vitamins and minerals like most other standard multivitamin products do, Citadel Nutrition focuses on giving you a higher and more beneficial dose of a fewer number and the ones that are specifically useful for lifters and athletes, so vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

On top of that they’re also delivered in the proper doses and in the high quality forms. Most people completely over-look that when it comes to multivitamins. For example, magnesium oxide is not the same thing as magnesium citrate and vitamin B12 as cyanacobalamin is not the same as methylcobalamin. Most standard multis out there use the lower quality forms because they’re cheaper and because they know that most people aren’t going to know the difference anyway, but if you’re getting those low quality forms and you’re getting them in lower doses, then they may be almost useless for you altogether.

This product is in flavored powder form as well which a lot of people are also going to prefer because that way you won’t have to swallow a bunch of pills every day in order to get the proper dosage, and it does mix very easily and it does taste pretty good as well.

So that’s the Athlete Vitamin, and the second product is the Citadel Nutrition Fish Oil. Now I’ve talked about fish oil many times before – it has a very long list of overall health benefits and it may even have some modest direct effects on muscle growth and fat loss – so if you don’t eat fish on a regular basis then supplementing with fish oil is something that I recommend.

The main point to take it into account here is that the Citadel Nutrition Fish Oil is in the natural triglyceride form rather than the ethyl ester form. Most fish oil products out there are delivered in the ethyl ester form which is actually about 70% less absorbable than the triglyceride form, and again this is something that most people are not aware of. There is a ton of research out there comparing the two forms and showing that the triglyceride form is significantly more effective.

So if you are going to supplement with fish oil, then I’d recommend going with a product that delivers the oil in the triglyceride form. There are many options out there, but Citadel is definitely a good one to go with.

So, credit to Citadel Nutrition for putting out honest, legit products in an industry that is mostly the opposite of that. You don’t have to use a multivitamin or a fish oil in order to get great results, but if you have the money for it and you want to fully optimize your performance and your recovery and just your overall health in general then I do think these are two worthwhile supplements.