Dr Joel Fuhrman on Covid19, our Immune System & Nutritional Excellence with Patricia Falco Beccalli

Published on 1 May 2020

Join me and Dr. Joel Fuhrman, in a conversation about how to build up our immunity system in order to protect us from infectious diseases such as Covid19.

Already back in 2008, his book – Super Immunity – pointed out ‘the fact is that Super Immunity is needed now, more than ever. (…) With health authorities’ warnings about the potential of new flu epidemics and the global spread of viral illnesses, it is vital that we keep our immune system strong and know the the steps to take to protect ourselves and our families.’

Dr. Fuhrman is a true visionary and coined the term ‘NUTRITARIAN diet’ – describing a nutrient dense way of eating, that strengthens our body from within. According to him the Standard American Diet (SAD) is a cancer generating diet.

One of the main reason why so many younger people (under 65 years of age) in the USA die from Covid19, is due to comorbidity, i.e. pre-existing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer or cardio vascular issues. The last two, being the top killer with over 27.4m people dying from it each year globally (2017, IHME, Global Burden of Diseases published by The Lancet).

A CDC study found that over 48% of all people contracting Covid19 in the US were obese (BMI over 30). The majority of them needing to be put on a ventilator. And depending on the geographical area, between 20-50% of those falling sick with Covid19, suffered from type 2 diabetes.

Nutritional excellence means mainly plant based foods, including plant based proteins, nuts and seeds and mushrooms. Find out what Dr. Fuhrman’s G-Bombs are, and why they are so powerful to not only prevent us from disease, but can even reverse it.

Dr. Fuhrman is a board certified physician and specialist in preventative medicine and nutritional excellence. He founded and operates the ‘Eat for Life’ health resort in San Diego and is a frequent guest on CNN, ABC and the Dr. Oz show. Seven of the 20+ books he published, became NY Times best sellers. His newest book ‘Eat for Life’ came out this year.

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