SUCK on this under your face mask! (and other supplement tips).

Deciding what supplements to take on a daily basis can be a bit overwhelming and expensive. In this video, I share the supplements Im currently taking. As always I’ve done plenty of research on the pro’s and cons of these supplements. Probably the most controversial info here is the info about the zinc lozenges.
Zinc is an essential trace element that is crucial for growth, development, and the maintenance of immune function, there is some discussion these days about its relevance and role as a first defence anti-viral barrier.Zinc lozenges could be effective in blocking viruses and preventing them from multiplying in your throat and nasopharynx, so no harm on sucking on them!
Other supplements I’m currently taking:
Vitamin D- does amazing things for bones via calcium absorption, but also helps reduce the risk of the flu and respiratory infections, including pneumonia. You’re more likely to be D deficient if you don’t get out in the sun much -or if your extremities are totally covered with clothing or sunscreen when you do.
Vitamin C is a potent water-soluble antioxidant, and even in small amounts can protect us from damage by free radicals. It is vital to immune function and is an essential cofactor in many enzymatic reactions in the body. It is truly our most universal antioxidant.
Chlorella is a single-celled, freshwater green algae often referred to as The King of Superfoods!
Chlorella contains a high concentration of chlorophyll. One serving of chlorella contains an equivalent amount of chlorophyll as about 2-2.5 cups of spinach or kale. (YUM). Chlorella is also one of the only known plant sources of bio-available vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is required for proper red blood cell formation, this helps prevent anemia and resulting fatigue.
Tumeric – Curcumin fabulous anti inflammatory. Unless youre eating lots of curry and drinking Golden milk every night you could prob do with taking a supplement. Research also demonstrates that curcumin as a plant derivative has a wide range of antiviral activity against different viruses. Make sure your supplement has black pepper in it to help fully activate the curcumin.

Stay strong, healthy and positive.
Soraya Faris Applegate L.Ac
Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine