Sinus Health, Khechari, & Coronavirus

Cleaning the sinus for greater health and immune defense.

Medcram on Zinc:

Neti Pot:
Distilled Water:
Saline Nasal Spray:
Hydrogen Peroxide:
Colloidal Silver:
Vitamin D3:
Vitamin C:
Tonic water:

Consider joining our community:

Books on the Parietal Lobe:
My Stroke of Insight:
Why God Won’t Go Away:

Iain McGilchrist books:
The Divided Brain:
Ways of Attending:
The Master and His Emissary:

Spiritual Gita (in 3 Volumes)
by Shyamacharan Lahiri & Bhupendranath Sanyal

3 books to Enlightenment:
The Master and His Emissary:
Satyacharan in Abode of Truth:
My Stroke of Insight:

Books based on Lahiri Mahasaya’s Diaries:
Purana Purusha:
On Amazon:
Who is this Shama Churn?:
On Amazon:

Lahiri Mahasaya’s Letters to students:
Garland of Letters (Patravali):
Another translation:
Personal Letters to Kriya Disciples:

Lorna Byrne books:
Angels in My Hair:
Angels at My Fingertips:
Prayers from the Heart:
Love From Heaven:

Books on the Polyvagal Theory:
The Polyvagal Theory:
Pocket Guide to Polyvagal Theory:
Polyvagal Theory in Therapy:

Important Kundalini Books:
Kundalini Rising:
The Kundalini Guide:

Joan Harrigan Books:
Kundalini Vidya:
Stories of Spiritual Transformation:

John Alton & the 3 Emperors:
Autonomic Intelligence:
Reflective Exercise in 8 Sessions:

NLP books:
Magic of NLP Demystified:
The Essential Guide to NLP:
Time Line Therapy:
Time Line Therapy Made Easy:

Books by Todd Murphy:
Sacred Pathways:
Deja vu & Other Gifts:
The God Helmet Experiments:

Books I love:
Book of Floating:
JASON and the Argonaughts:
The Manual:
Vijnana Bhairava:
Outliers: The Story of Success:
Autobiography of a Yogi:
The Awakened Mind:
Awakening the Mind:
The High-Performance Mind:
High Performance Mind CD:
Hacking the Universe:
The Autobiography of Gopi Krishna:
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain:
Drawing on the Right Side Workbook:
The Illustrated Happiness Trap:
The Voice of the Soul:
Stranger In a Strange Land:

Please Understand Me:
Please Understand Me II:

Tongue Scraper:
My Camera:
Rebound Trampoline:
Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil & Neem Toothpaste:
Tom’s of Maine Fresh Mint:

Special thanks to Doug Gemmell for the fantastic music!!