Vitamin E And Its Importance | Fitness Hacks

It is one of the most important and strong antioxidant. It is well known as the scavenger of free radicals.
As I already discussed in the previous episode, free radicals are chemical substances that are formed naturally in the body when we breathe and digest food. If free radical exceeds in such a way that our body cannot control or regulate them, it can lead to certain chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. So it’s very important to maintain a low level of free radicals in our body.
Vitamin E not only regulate the free radicals level but also it protect the heart and reduce the risk of cardio vascular disease by making arteries less stiff.

It also help in reducing the cholesterol level by lowering the LDL level in the blood.

Since it’s a strong anti oxidant it got anti cancer properties as well

Vitamin E improves the immune function and reduces the risk of infections.

Another advantage of vitamin E is that it has nerve protecting factors and it protects nervous system and brain.

Vitamin E also improves skin and hair growth.

Let’s look at the sources of vitamin E

Research shows that natural vitamin e that is what we get from natural source has got 34-50% greater bio availability than any synthetic form.

Also vitamin E can be regenerated with the help of vitamin C. So I suggest always try to get it from natural source.

Best source of vitamin e are seeds and nuts but in moderation, whole grains, poly unsaturated vegetable oil like flax oil, safflower oil , then asparagus, avocados, tomato, green leafy vegetables and fish.

Always remember cooking and processing it processed foods reduces the vitamin E content.

so friends feed your body with antioxidant Rich food for a healthy and better living.

this is your friendly nutritionist Jis Philipson.