Coronavirus Pathology: Galectin-3, Hemoglobin, Cytokines | Arachidonic Acid Pathway Causing Strokes?

Coronavirus Pathology: Why Galectin-3, RBC and Hemoglobin, and Cytokine Storms Are Keys | Arachidonic Acid Pathway Causing Strokes? Coronavirus Treatment

We are at war with Coronavirus (COVID-19). As the Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu stated: “all warfare is based on deception” and right now, Coronavirus (COVID-19) is deceiving us.

My theory is that COVID-19 not only interacts with the ACE2 receptors, but also stimulates your immune system directly and also interacts with galectin-3 and your red blood cells to fire up cytokines. As cytokines continue getting fired up, they enhance the release of arachidonic acid from your cell membranes thus creating the thromboxane and prostaglandins, two potent platelet aggregators and vasoconstrictors. And this is a potential pathway why COVID-19 patients are experiencing strokes and blood clots.

The main etiology behind the pathogenesis of COVID-19 might be cytokines and the cytokine storms but there are might be many different pathways that are contributing to it. Coronavirus, your red blood cells and a molecule called galectin-3 are playing a major role in firing up your cytokines and “brainwashing” our immune system to attack the body.

One possible reason hydroxychloroquine and remdesivir have not been as effective against coronavirus (COVID_19) as we had hoped for is while targeting the virus is important, the real treatment for coronavirus (COVID-19) should be focused primarily on cytokines. 80-85% of people are only having mild symptoms from coronavirus.
That means most of us have an immune system that is fully capable of fighting coronavirus. The problem is for some, coronavirus has gotten the immune system preoccupied with attacking the body, which we call the cytokine storm, so coronavirus is free to roam and do whatever it wants.

We still do not know for sure why some people with coronavirus are more suspectible to cytokine storms. One possible explanation is there is a genetic component and there is some research to suggest this but another and more interesting explanation has something to do with a molecule in your body called “galectins”.

Galectins are a family of 17 proteins that share a common carbohydrate binding domain. Recent studies indicate that galectins are important components of many physiological and pathological processes. Immune and inflammatory responses, tumor gorwth, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and wound repair.

Is it possible that COVID-19’s glycan covering on its spike protein interacts and binds with the carbohydrate recognition domains of galectin-3? And could it be that we are seeing people with chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes falling severely ill with COVID-19 because their elevated galectin-3 levels from their underlying condition are thus increasing severity of the illness and potentiating cytokine release?

-Dr. Yogendra
*special thanks to Michael Sheikh and Dr. Patrick Farmer for the discussions related to the topics in this video

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