Coronavirus is a HOAX and a BIOWEAPON

PROLOGUE: “It’s society. They work for each other, Morty. They pay each other. They buy houses. They get married and make children that replace them when they get too old to make power. That just sounds like slavery with extra steps.” -Rick and Morty

NOTE: I forgot to mention that maybe Vitamin C, B12 complex, Chaga mushrooms, etc may help restore some normalcy, but we just don’t know yet.

Video (COVID-19 is a HOAX):

Cliff Notes:
We are WILLING SLAVES to The Elite’s FAKE money, who are behind the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time: the stock markets and government currencies.

If you keep asking whether this pandemic is a HOAX (to which there is some convincing evidence) or a BIOWEAPON (to which there is some convincing evidence),
Just know that you’re asking the wrong question. The right question is are we at war? Is this WORLD WAR III?

And the answer is unequivocally YES. In fact, we’ve been at war with the Elite since the beginning of time.
– Monarchies, Dictatorships, and now Oligarchies… all seek to enslave the populous.
– The current regime does NOT have our best interests at heart.
– In this phase of the war, the primary targets are small business owners and independent farmers.
– Now, pay attention b/c here’s the BIG TRICK: Money (and debt) is used to JUSTIFY TAKING from us, WITHOUT A FIGHT.
– There may be no herd immunity or even individual immunity – we just don’t know yet.
– Infection rates are not going down as much as they should from social distancing
– We don’t have enough long-term data to be making asinine claims like: there’s no lasting damage for those who have recovered


Step 1: Get the people to mock anyone who claims there is a war or even an Elite class that has nefarious goals. How SILLY right?!
Step 2: Get people addicted to social media, smartphones, and modern conveniences
– if given the choice, most people would rather continue living in blissful ignorance than to fight for a better REAL world

They want to keep us as WILLING SLAVES to The Elite’s FAKE Money and social conveniences / entertainment

They use Money as a Tool for Oppression.

The Elite’s only success in life was to be BORN into wealth and power.

Let’s look at The Elite’s playbook on how they do it:
It consists of 5 steps.
Step 1. Place The Elite in the position of authority and uniquely allowed to print money.
Step 2. Use prisons to prevent anyone else from printing money.
Step 3. Tell the people that the only way to achieve ownership and success is to work for The Elite’s money.
Step 4. Be sure to give them reasons to go in debt, spending money on mediocre, pointless lifestyles (while The Elite live it up to the extreme).
Step 5. Let the people THINK they own some things so they want more and more to pacify themselves.

The Elite are no different than my child when she was juvenile and selfish.
We, as parents, had to teach her just like we must teach the Elite.

Now, a global pandemic makes it to where The Elite wants to TAKE IT ALL BACK for practically nothing (by way of bankruptcies, foreclosures, debt collections)

This is THE GAME WE ALL PLAY b/c they have so many as military, police, and law enforcement to DO THEIR BIDDING AGAINST THEIR FELLOW SLAVES.

One of our only hopes is that the military and local law enforcement join their fellow slaves to become more than slaves!

So ask yourself: are you going to keep taking it now that it’s so blatant or are you going to fight?