Immunity Booster for Pitta Prakriti

This is actually phant kalpana mentioned in ayurveda i.e. kashayam without boiling and is exclusively for pitta people as they can not tolerate hot spices like ginger and black pepper.
Still it will keep you immune for bacteria , viruses, cold and fever.
Helpful in recurrent Urinary tract infections, hot flushes etc.
Diabetic patients can exclude rock sugar and can have without it.
Best results when consumed in summer season.

Fennel – 2 tea spoon
Coriander- 1 tea spoon
Cardamom (ela/elaichi)-1 -2 pods
Turmeric- 1 tea spoon
Mint leaves-10 leaves
Rock sugar- 2 tea spoon

take 200 ml warm water, add all ingredients in it and soak it overnight, next day morning strain it and its ready to drink !