Diet For Fading Hyperpigmentation and Melasma

Here’s how a balanced and nutrient-rich diet can help to reduce and prevent hyperpigmentation effectively:
• Load Your Diet With Vitamin C
Since photo-damage is one of the most common factors that lead to dark spots, melasma, and freckles, it’s essential to eat vitamin-C filled foods. This super antioxidant is jam-packed with photo-protective, brightening, and rejuvenating properties. Vitamin C slows down the production of melanocytes by inhibiting the action of tyrosinase, an enzyme required for melanin synthesis. It also boosts the formation of collagen in the body, facilitating faster cell repair and renewal. Moreover, vitamin C defends the skin’s barrier against oxidative stress. Kiwi, tomatoes, bell peppers, berries, citrus fruits, and broccoli are great sources of adding vitamin C to your daily diet.
• Amp up Your Vitamin B12 Intake
A lower level of vitamin B12 in the body is known to cause skin discoloration and hyperpigmentation. This essential vitamin is required for the production of red blood cells, DNA synthesis, and optimal cognitive functioning. Besides, it acts as the body’s natural pigment regulator that keeps track of how much pigment is produced and where it appears. Vitamin B12 deficiency will not just increase the amount of melanin that results in hyperpigmentation but also reduce the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. You can obtain this vitamin from eggs, dairy products, seafood, red meat, and other non-vegetarian sources.
• Increase Your Vitamin A Consumption
Vitamin A is widely known for its skin-loving effects, such as enhanced cell turnover rate and high concentration of antioxidants. Faster turnover rate ensures the regeneration and repair of damaged skin while antioxidants shield against free radical damage. Spinach, chili peppers, broccoli, carrots, collard greens, sweet potatoes, lettuce, apricots, and turnip are some of the abundant sources of vitamin A. Try to incorporate raw foods with vitamin A because cooking can reduce the efficacy of the nutrients. Get in sync with this miracle compound today and reap its amazing benefits.
• Incorporate Vitamin E into Your Diet
The skincare benefits of vitamin E need no introduction. It’s commonly touted as a skin hydrating, protecting, and brightening agent by various skincare manufacturers. Vitamin E provides the same incredible benefits when consumed in food. Its antioxidants reinforce the skin’s protective layer to protect it against harmful toxins and UV rays. The deep hydrating effect makes the skin glow from the inside. Try eating vitamin-E rich foods like apples, avocados, green tea, nuts, broccoli, and tomatoes to treat your hyperpigmentation naturally.
• Fill your Diet with Zinc
This is yet another skin-friendly nutrient that plays a significant role in keeping the skin feeling and looking healthy. It aids in cell production, protects against free radicals and UV rays, promotes tissue healing, and fights against bacteria and inflammation. Reduced level of zinc in the body is associated with the formation of hyperpigmentation along with a number of other skin issues. Therefore, it’s necessary to keep providing your body with a consistent supply of zinc through your daily diet to keep it in its top shape. A few of the foods to make sure your body is getting enough zinc include shrimps, kidney beans, flax seeds, almonds, chickpeas, beef, lamb, spinach, avocado, chicken, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, and lentils.
• Slack on Sugar
If you have a sweet tooth and struggle to fight hyperpigmentation, we have bad news for you. Your favorite desserts can cause glycation in the body, worsening your skin discoloration and unevenness. Glycation is the process during which glucose attaches to the protein molecules in the body and causes the protein to break down, resulting in collagen degradation. Therefore, cut down on your sugar consumption and avoid food items with high glycemic index, including pasta, white rice, chocolate bars, pre-made pasta sauce, candy bars, bottled salad dressings, and processed food. Some common swaps for refined sugar are honey, monk fruit, and stevia.
• Avoid Fizzy Drinks
Processed food and refined sugar are not the only enemies of your skin. Fizzy drinks are just as harmful and cause inflammation in the body that leads to cell degeneration. Cell damage can manifest in the form of acne breakouts, discoloration, or premature signs of aging. In addition, such inflammatory drinks have no or very little nutritional value. So, it’s time for you to ask yourself if it’s really worth putting your skin and body through unnecessary harmful effects. If you want to maintain a healthy body and, in turn, healthy skin, do yourself a favor and avoid drinking soda, energy drinks, packaged juices, and other sugary beverages. Turn to healthier ways of keeping your body hydrated, like herbal teas, fresh vegetable juices, and most importantly plain water.

Love and Health


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