Simplifying Wellness with Swanson Health

Smartphones, longer commutes, not enough sleep, and less home-cooked meals—through the years, everyday life has changed. Believe it or not, research shows most of us don’t meet the recommendations for daily essential vitamins and minerals.

Enter Swanson Health, which supports health and wellness around the U.S. They make it easy to promote healthy aging and vitality with just a few simple steps: promote digestive health with daily probiotics, boost energy levels with B-complex vitamins, support long-term response to stress with omega-3s, protect eyes from digital device blue light with lutein, and rest up with melatonin.

Swanson Health started in 1969 in the heartland of America – Fargo, ND – with a mission to offer pure and potent health products at a great value. Fifty years later, Swanson Health continues to innovate award-winning, science-backed vitamins and supplements, delivering wellness solutions to help people lead healthier lives. Learn more and shop online at swanson.com.


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