Daily source of vitamin B12

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DESCRIPTION: Fortified foods such as some breakfast cereals and types of nutritional yeast can provide another cholesterol-free source of vitamin B12. Have a question about this video? Leave it in the comment section at and I’ll try to answer it! Note that nutritional yeast doesn’t naturally contain B12—it has to be fortified with the vitamin. So many formulations lack B12 completely. So for example, while Red Star brand’s “vegetarian support formula” nutritional yeast is an excellent source of B12, their “elder support formula” doesn’t have any (which makes no sense, as the Institute of Medicine recommends everyone over age 50 supplement with B12). So if you buy it in bulk and are relying on it for your B12, you may want to ask to see the package it came from just to check to make sure it has B12 in it. If you’d rather just take a supplement once a week, see yesterday’s video of the day, Cheapest Source of Vitamin B12 ( And for an explanation on why fortified foods and supplements are the preferred source, see the video before that, Safest Source of B12 ( And to put the whole B12 issue in perspective, see Vegan B12 Deficiency: Putting It into Perspective ( And if you’re sick of learning about B12, there’s only one more video in this five-part series, and there’s always a thousand other topics to fall back on (

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