Crucial Vitamins for Health | Vitamins You Need Daily for Wellness

Crucial Vitamins for Health | Vitamins You Need Daily for Wellness

Vitamins Essential for Health

Vitamin D
• Produced by the body during sunlight, vitamin D aids in absorbing calcium, promoting strong bones and immune system.
• Low levels can lead to fatigue, weakness, or performance issues.
• Vitamin D supplements can be beneficial, especially in winter or indoor work.

Vitamin C
• A common vitamin, vitamin C helps combat infections, maintains skin health, and aids wound healing.
• Fruits, vegetables, and supplements can provide vitamin C.

Vitamin B12
• Maintains nervous system function and aids in red blood cell creation.
• Lack of B12 can cause wearyness or slowness.
• Vegans and vegetarians should monitor B12 levels.

Vitamain A
• Maintains good vision, skin, and immune system.
• Foods rich in vitamin A include sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, and salmon.

Vitamin E
• Protects cells against harm.
• Helps slow down aging and strengthens immune system.
• Nutrients like nuts, seeds, and leafy greens contain vitamin E.

Vitamind K
• Essential for blood clotting, bone health, and cell development.
• Essential for general health, even for non-pregnant women.

Folic Acid
• A B vitamin, essential for cell development and DNA creation.
• Essential for overall health, even for non-pregnant individuals.

• Controls blood pressure, maintains nerve and muscular activity, and maintains a healthy heart.
• Essential for maintaining a healthy heart and energy.

Omega-3 Fat Acids
• Good fats like walnuts, flaxseeds, and salmon contain omega-3s.
• Supplements can improve mood if not consumed.

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