Most Vitamins Are Total BS, Here’s Why (Part 3 of 3)

Stop taking so much Vitamin C & D, they’re doing literally nothing for you.

Part 1 of 3:
Part 2 of 3:

Read More:

Vitamin D, the Sunshine Supplement, Has Shadowy Money Behind It

“The doctor most responsible for creating a billion-dollar juggernaut has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the vitamin D industry.”

How Linus Pauling duped America into believing vitamin C cures colds

“Half of all Americans take vitamin supplements on a regular basis. They don’t tend to hurt, but many nutritionists say they really don’t help, either. Neither do mega-levels of vitamin C, even though supplements like Emergen-C are many people’s go-to’s when cold and flu season hits.”

We’re wasting $5.7 billion on vitamins we don’t need

Dietary supplements are a $37 billion a year business, according to the National Institutes of Health, but there’s mounting evidence that vitamin and mineral supplements aren’t effective in preventing chronic diseases or in slowing their progression.


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