Coronavirus Pandemic: Tips How to Get Remedy: Effective, Safe, and Natural in Very Cheap Method

Interview with Dr.Dale Y. Pasco, M.D. – a renowned Doctor, who is a Graduate of Medicine and Board Certified General Surgeon, who practices Natural Medicine for about 30 years now but Dr.Dale also combines allopathic medicine with Natural medicine.

His sister in New York was recently positive for COVID 19 but after his advice on a very simple home remedy – his sister was relieved in a matter of minutes. He was also able to gather many cases already where people who were positive the symptoms of the virus were addressed – Please watch the Video until the End.

Natural Remedy Tips:
1. Hydro Thermal Theraphy (Steam Inhalation)
– Boil a water
– Once boil, pour into bowl (2 1/2 to 3 cups of hot water)
– Cover your head with a towel while inhaling the steam
– Inhale the steam between 1 to 1/2 feet apart from nose to bowl
– no symptoms at least 6 minutes, with symptoms at least 10 to 15 minutes
– non-covid19 person 1-2 times a day, covid19 person 3 times above a day
– CAUTION: be responsible not to spill hot water on you or else your skin will burned.
Remember NEWS ART Vitamin C
*N – utrition, eat fruits and vegetables to boost immune system, for covid19 person vegetarian diet is highly recommended. (no sugar, dairy & meat)
*E – xercise, avoid yourself to get infected
*W – ater, drink 1 to 2 liters of water a day, well hydrated person get more chance to fight the virus. hot ginger tea & gargle warm saline solution help too
*S – unlight. expose to sunlight either sunrise or sunset you get vitamin d3 which body absorb calcium to make immune system strong to fight cancer, virus or bacteria.
*A – ir, pure or fresh is important, otherwise inhale deeply to expand your lungs
*R – est, take rest or sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day before 10pm is advise
*T – rust in GOD, our ultimate and first priority. Faith gives your immune system strengthen to fight against diseases in our body.
“Jeremiah 17:14 says. heal me, Lord; and i will be healed” NIV

*Vitamin C in highly dosages treatment.
30 to 50 grams Vitamin C IV mostly used in hospital with proper care of medical doctors or
take at least 1,000 milligram of Soduim Ascorbate Vitamin C alkaline-based every hour.

Hydro Thermal Theraphy has a very long history of being so effective, it has 1.3 mortality rate compate to best treatment 6.4 in fighting the diseases. It is a very cheap method and it has been proven even the time of spanish flu in 1918 -19 pandemic.

Please share this video with your friends and family – it might save their Life! – vctto