7- Juices to Boost Your Immune system against Colds

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Your immune system is usually built and strengthened naturally to fight off most common ailments.
One way to do it is through consuming fresh, cold-fighting JUICES to boost your immune system, which contains vital nutrients.
Here are ideas to take it in consideration,

1-Boost Immune System with Apple-Beetroot Juice
This juice isn’t just tasty but also filled with goodness.
The combination of apples and beetroots offers a wealth of combined nutrients.
Apples are rich in polyphenols, and plant compounds like quercetin that has anti-inflammatory properties – ideal if you have a sore throat.
As for beetroot, studies have proven that it benefits patients with asthma, and there’s a reason it makes for the ideal winter food – it suppresses cold symptoms.
It is also the ultimate detox ingredient, ridding your body of impurities so that it’s stronger and healthier
Tip: Add a pinch of turmeric to apple beetroot juice, which is effective in flushing out virus and bacteria that clog your respiratory tract.

3-Immune Booster Watermelon-Blueberry Juice
watermelon also boosts blood flow within the body, and suppresses respiratory-inflammation, making its juice a good addition to your immunity-building exercise.
When you add blueberry juice to the mix, you’ve got a potent antioxidant and antihistamine, which beats off cold, flu, allergies and a host of other problems.
Tip: Add a tsp of honey to this mix for a further antimicrobial boost, which is an age-old remedy for coughs and colds

4-Orange-Carrot Juice For Boost Immunity
Its reserves of vitamin C. The only vitamin that the body does not produce on its own, for protection against colds and coughs.
Found in abundance in oranges (as well as other citrus fruits), this is ideal to perk you up during the flu season.
of beta carotene, which is again a
super nutrient to boost immunity
.Combine the two and you’ve got one of the healthiest juice medleys ever.
Tip: Add a pinch of saffron to this mix, since this warm food has the ability to relieve a cold.

5-Sugarcane-Lemon Juice to Fight Coughs
Sugarcane juice is known for its digestive benefits, but it is also a great remedy to fight coughs and colds.
It is full of natural electrolytes that replenish fluids lost if the body is dehydrated.
Staying hydrated is one of the steps to keeping the common cold and fevers at bay, and this is the ideal remedy.
Adding freshly squeezed lemon juice helps bolster the vitamin C content of the body, and is a natural defence mechanism and antimicrobial agent.
Tip :Add a bit of grated ginger to this mix, because the gingerols and shaogals help kill cold-causing viruses.

6-Tomato-Celery Juice Benefits for Immune System
Tomato juice makes for a great immunity building ingredient since it offers nutrients like lycopene, a phytochemical with antioxidant benefits, as well as vitamin C for a cold.
Celery juice is also great for coughs and colds because it demolishes pathogens present in the body, and has over a dozen different antioxidants.
It is literally a multivitamin in many ways.
Pro tip: Crushed black pepper, commonly used as a natural antibiotic remedy for colds, can be mixed with this drink for added benefits.

7-Pomegranate-Mint Juice to Improve Immune System
Pomegranate juice has three times more antioxidants than green tea, protecting the body from damage.
Juice from the edible arils of the pomegranate fruit is considered one of the best superfoods around.
Mint, on the other hand, is soothing, and a natural source of menthol, which is a decongestant.
If you’re prone to a blocked nose or respiratory tract, mint will sort it out in a jiffy.
Pro tip: Add a teaspoon of fresh basil juice to this mix, which is a natural curative for coughs and colds, expounded even by Ayurvedic experts.