Cranberry with Vitamin C Herbal Supplement by Plant Therapy

Clean, potent, transparent herbal supplements

Enjoy a vibrant blend of nature’s finest, where the tart, sweet essence of Cranberries meets the powerhouse of Vitamin C, offering a robust combination designed to support your immune health and urinary tract wellness. This dynamic duo harnesses the natural properties of Cranberries and Vitamin C to provide a nutrient and antioxidant-rich supplement that uplifts your daily wellness routine. Cranberries, with their dense phytonutrient content, are a natural ally in maintaining urinary tract cleanliness and comfort. By preventing the adhesion of unwanted elements to the urinary tract walls, Cranberries offer a natural, effective way to support urinary health. Vitamin C complements this by boosting the body’s immune defenses and helping to fight off free radicals that can negatively impact your overall well-being. But that’s not all this superfruit can do! Cranberries are also celebrated for supporting heart and gut health, weight management goals, and cognitive function.*

These easy-to-take single vegetarian capsules are a great option for those who want the benefits of Cranberries but do not like the taste – or calorie count – of Cranberry juice. Whether it’s starting your morning with a wellness boost or fortifying your body’s defenses throughout the day, our Cranberry with Vitamin C supplement is your go-to companion for a life lived with vitality and zest.

Cranberry with Vitamin C Herbal Supplement – 120 Capsules

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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