Are Multivitamins Really Good For You? | Should You Take Multivitamins? | Urdu/Hindi

Your body needs plenty of nutrients for reproduction, maintenance, growth, and regulation of bodily processes. For that, you need to eat a balanced diet. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to eat the right food everyday. That’s where multivitamins come in.
There are more than 50 nutrients needed for thousands of metabolic processes and the maintenance of good health. Here are a few of the key players:
Vitamin A – Good for vision, healthy skin, and proper growth, and development
Vitamin B – Good for energy levels, psychological wellbeing, and brain function
Vitamin C – Good for antioxidant protection, skin health, and strengthening blood vessel walls
Vitamin D – Good for healthy bones, immune function, and mood
Vitamin E – Good for antioxidant protection, skin health, and circulation
Folic acid – Good for cell renewal, heart function, and prevention of neural tube birth defects
Calcium – Good for strong teeth and bones, and blood clotting
Iron – Good for maintaining healthy blood and muscle function
Zinc – Good for immunity, fertility, and skin
Chromium – Good for blood glucose levels
Magnesium – Good for muscle function and strong bones

Who should take a multivitamin?
Older adults.
Vegans and vegetarians.
People without balanced diet.
People with restricted diet.

While multivitamins can provide certain health benefits, they can also cause problems when they contain too much of something we don’t need. For example, too much calcium may increase the risk of kidney stones or heart disease.
One factor to consider is the difference between how water-soluble and fat-soluble nutrients are stored and excreted from the body. Water-soluble nutrients such as vitamin C are used quickly and any excess is immediately excreted from the body. These are unlikely to cause harm, even at higher doses. In contrast, fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A and D are stored in body tissues. When consumed in mega-high doses, these can build up in the body and may pose health risks.
Another risk is faulty production, which may cause multivitamins to harbor much larger amounts of nutrients than intended.


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