Does Alcohol Affect Immunity – Covid19: Alcohol And Your Immune System – What You Might Not Know!

Does Alcohol Affect Immunity – Covid19: Alcohol And Your Immune System – What You Might Not Know
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Alcohol has been flying off the shelves as people try to combat boredom during the lockdown, with some reports estimate that alcoholic beverage sales have surged by 55 percent toward the end of March.

The spike in alcohol sales has alarmed health experts and officials around the world, who are concerned that increased drinking could make people even more vulnerable to respiratory disease.

the World Health Organization (WHO) also suggested that people cut back on drinking since alcohol can increase the risk of experiencing complications from COVID-19.

“Alcohol consumption is associated with a range of communicable and noncommunicable diseases and mental health disorders, which can make a person more vulnerable to COVID-19.

In particular, alcohol compromises the body’s immune system and increases the risk of adverse health outcomes,” the WHO stated.

So to help everyone out here are 6 Surprising Ways Alcohol Affects Your Health — Not Just Your Liver

Some of the ways alcohol affects our health are well known, but others may surprise you. Here are six less-known effects that alcohol has on your body

Though there is still limited data on the link between alcohol and COVID-19, past evidence shows alcohol consumption can worsen the outcomes from other respiratory illnesses by damaging the lungs and gut and impairing the cells responsible for immune function.

1) Drinking gives your body work to do that keeps it from other processes. Once you take a drink, your body makes metabolizing it a priority — above processing anything else.

Unlike proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, your body doesn’t have a way to store alcohol, so it has to move to the front of the metabolizing line. This is why it affects your liver, as it’s your liver’s job to detoxify and remove alcohol from your blood.

Alcohol is known to impair sleep quality. And the less sleep a person gets, the higher their risk of getting sick.

One study found that people who got less than 7 hours of sleep were nearly three times more likely to develop a cold compared with those who got 8 or more hours of sleep.

A lack of sleep can also affect how long it takes for a person to recover if they do get sick, according to the Mayo Clinic.

2) Abusing alcohol causes bacteria to grow in your gut, which can eventually migrate through the intestinal wall and into the liver, leading to liver damage.

Similarly, alcohol can trigger inflammation in the gut and destroy the microorganisms that live in the intestine and maintain immune system health.

3) Too much is bad for your heart. It can cause the heart to become weak (cardiomyopathy) and have an irregular beat pattern (arrhythmias). It also puts people at higher risk of developing high blood pressure.

4) People can develop pancreatitis, or inflammation of the pancreas, from alcohol abuse.

5) Drinking too much puts you at risk for some cancers, such as cancer of the mouth, esophagus, throat, liver, and breast.

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Does alcohol affect immunity – Learn how to stop drinking alcohol, even though alcohol use disorder can feel overwhelming.Red fm: how will alcohol consumption affect your immunity against covid-19? Does alcohol affect your immune system? Effects of Alcohol in the Human Body. My Addiction Story – How Alcohol Affects the Body Long Term. Deciding when and how to talk to kids about alcohol and drug use can be a big decision

Tune in to the complete podcast to hear more studies on how alcohol affects immunity.
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