The importance of microgreens, germs and sprouts for a healthy diet is easily explained.

Microgreens: The superfoods we can grow at home
Microgreens are young plants that contain more nutrients than the original seeds from which they are grown. In this video you will learn what microgreens are, why they are so healthy, and how you can grow them yourself at home. Microgreens are an easy, quick and inexpensive way to have fresh greens that are not only delicious but also highly nutritious. They can be grown from different seeds depending on your taste and preferences. You can eat them raw, use them in salads, sandwiches, smoothies or other dishes, or dry them and make them into powder or tea. Microgreens are a great addition to your diet that can promote your health and well-being.

Eva, Martínez-Ispizua., Ángeles, Calatayud., Jose, Ignacio, Marsal., C., Cannata., F., Basile., Abdelsattar, Abdelkhalik., Salvador, Soler., J., V., Valcárcel., Mary-Rus, Martínez-Cuenca. (2022). The Nutritional Quality Potential of Microgreens, Baby Leaves, and Adult Lettuce: An Underexploited Nutraceutical Source. Foods, doi: 10.3390/foods11030423

Tomáš, Jambor., Nikola, Knížatová., Veronika, Valkova., Filip, Tirpák., Hana, Greifová., Anton, Kováčik., Norbert, Lukáč. (2022). Microgreens as a functional component of the human diet: a review. The Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, doi: 10.55251/jmbfs.5870

Pooja, Bhatt., Sonika, Sharma., Kiran, Grover., Savita, Sharma., Khushdeep, Dharni., Ajmer, Singh, Dhatt. (2023). Optimization of Nutritional Composition, Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) Microgreen Sprinkler using Alternate Drying Techniques. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, doi: 10.18805/ajdfr.dr-1955

Carolyn, F, Weber. (2016). Nutrient Content of Cabbage and Lettuce Microgreens Grown on Vermicompost and Hydroponic Growing Pads. Journal of Horticulture, doi: 10.4172/2376-0354.1000190

Yanqi, Zhang., Zhenlei, Xiao., Emily, Ager., Lingyan, Kong., Libo, Tan. (2021). Nutritional quality and health benefits of microgreens, a crop of modern agriculture. doi: 10.1016/J.JFUTFO.2021.07.001

00:00:00 Introduction to Microgreens
00:00:14 The Power of Microgreens
00:01:03 Getting Started with Microgreens
00:02:48 Exploring the World of Microgreens
00:03:20 The Process of Growing Microgreens
00:05:35 Harvesting and Enjoying Microgreens
00:05:50 The End


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