Eat This When You are Sick | 5 POWERFUL Immunity Boosters #immunity

Looking to boost your immunity? Check out this video for 5 powerful supplements that can help support your immune system and keep you healthy!

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Do you suffer from repeated chest infections sore throat colds flu or problems of digestive tract like abdominal pain or diarrhea you may be suffering from a weak immune system in today’s fast-paced world maintaining a strong immune system is more important than ever with the constant threat of new viruses seasonal flu and other

Health challenges people are increasingly turning towards dietary supplements to boost their immunity in this video we will look at five supplement ments that are well known for their immune boosting properties number one on the list we have vitamin C vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid is perhaps the most popular supplement for

Boosting the immune system it is also a powerful antioxidant that helps the body to fight off infectious agents and free radicals vitamin C is essential for the proper functioning of various components of our immune system citrus fruits strawberries bell peppers and spinach are good natural sources of vitamin C

For those who struggle to get enough vitamin C from their diet supplements can be a convenient alternative next we have vitamin D vitamin D plays a critical role in enhancing the pathogen fighting effects of monocytes and macrofagos which are white blood cells that are important parts of your immune system it also

Helps to reduce inflammation in the body which helps to promote the immune response many people have vitamin D deficiency which can negatively affect immune function and increase the susceptibility to infection supplementing with vitamin D especially if you have low blood levels can protect you against respiratory tract infections and possibly other health conditions

Also next on the list we have zinc zinc is a mineral that is crucial for your immune system it is essential for the proper development of immune cells it protects the immune cells from damage and is also important for these cells to properly communicate with each other

Zinc deficiency has been linked to a weakened immune response foods rich in zinc include meat shellfish nuts seeds and dairy products pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are good sources of zinc that you can incorporate in your daily life easily otherwise zinc supplements are often recommended to help fight

Coals and other mild illnesses next on the list we have Elderberry Elderberry is known for its anti viral properties which makes it a popular supplement during cold and flu Seasons there are numerous studies that prove that elderberry extract has the potential to significantly reduce upper respiratory tract symptoms caused by viral

Infections research suggests that compounds in Elderberry can inhibit the virus’s entry and replication in human cells making it a potentially effective tool and managing flu symptoms number five probiotics probiotics are live micro organisms known as good bacteria that are crucial for your gut and overall health around 70% of your immune

System is located in the intestines so it’s no surprise that most doctors say that good health starts in the gut so if you’re trying to improve your immune Health it is very important to keep your intestinal Health in Optimum condition and evidence suggests that probiotic bacteria play a key role in this your

Gut acts as a barrier and prevents the entry of harmful germs into your body probiotics are very important for this barrier function of the gut also probiotics are essential for the regulation of immune response in your body they release certain chemicals known as cyto which help the immune

Cells to communicate with each other and work properly one of the most researched probiotic strains for immune health is lactobacillus paraki 431 which has been shown to reduce the duration of cold and flu symptoms by 3 days compared to Placebo probiotics can be found in fermented foods like yogurt sou rot or

Kimchi or can be taken as oral supplements if you want to learn how our immune system works exactly you can watch this video on our Channel thank you so much for watching and if you like this video kindly support us by donating a small amount on our patreon page links

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