What you should know about vitamin C, food sources, health benefits | Barrett Fitness & Nutrition

What you should know about vitamin C, food sources, health benefits recommended amounts and more.
Barrett Fitness & Nutrition :

Vitamin C is the one of the most known and popular vitamin or is it?
Here are a few things that you should know about the water soluble vitamin, vitamin c:

Vitamin C is not readily stored in the body and should be consumed on a daily basis.
You should also know that Vitamin C is a water-soluble essential nutrient found in highest concentration in fruits (particularly citrus), green vegetables, and tomatoes.
You should know that the best cooking methods for vitamin c are, stir fry, steaming and microwaving.

Thanks for watching What you should know about vitamin C video.

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Hi there everyone and welcome back to another episode of get your ass up in move fitness and nutrition podcast i am your host peter gay barrett with barrett fitness and on this podcast we discuss fitness nutrition overall health and overall well-being have you been feeling tired lately run down drained

Lack of energy stressed out and someone told you or maybe you read somewhere that you can get your energy or boost your energy with vitamins is that true maybe not you guys today we will be talking about the water soluble vitamin vitamin c now water soluble vitamins consists of your

8 b vitamins like your vitamin b6 your vitamin b12 your riboflavin your folic acid 8 b vitamins and vitamin c now today we will focus on vitamin c in past podcasts i have focused on um your fat soluble vitamins which are your vitamins a d e and k so i’ve done

Previous podcasts on your fat soluble vitamins you guys could please go ahead and check that out on my past podcast or you guys can um head on over to youtube if you would rather see a video like i am doing today i am recording a video of this podcast

So if you guys want to see my beautiful face while i record and give you this information hop on over to youtube and check that out now most people think vitamin boost your energy but this is not um true you all we actually get calories therefore energy from our nutrients our um protein

Carbohydrates and fat that’s where we get our calories from and that’s where our energy comes from um not vitamins by themselves now most water soluble vitamins mainly your b vitamins facilitate a metabolic reaction that releases energy from your protein your carbohydrates and your fat so essentially vitamins help to extract

The energy from your food so taking vitamins by themselves without making sure that your nutrients are in shape or in line or you’re getting your ample nutrients of your your carbohydrates your fats and your protein you’re not doing yourself any justice by just um you know popping supplements um of

Vitamin c right you need the nutrients and then the vitamins will actually mainly your vitamin b but we are focusing on on um vitamin c fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body typically but your water soluble vitamins the kidney actually excretes and remove any excess water soluble vitamins

Um from the from the body therefore um vitamin c needs to end your vitamin your vitamin um and your vitamin b’s but your vitamin c which is what our focus is today you need to have um it needs to be a part of your daily diet

Right so our body does not um readily store it and you know slowly excrete it as we need to and you know therefore we like your fat soluble vitamins we don’t need to take it every day in our diet but your vitamin c you need a ample amount and we’ll talk

About um the amount that the recommended daily amount in a little bit you need to have that in your diet on a daily basis now um water-soluble vitamins are more fragile especially your vitamin c you all vitamin c is a lot more fragile than your fat soluble vitamins therefore cooking

And alkaline can damage your um your fat your vitamin your vitamin c so over cooking of your fruits or your vegetables um you know can damage your vitamin c compounds um or just heat excess heat can damage your vitamin c compounds um now the best cooking methods for your vitamin c would be

Like stir frying steaming and even microwaving you guys and while cooking your fruits and your vegetables um use minimal amounts of water now i’m saying this and this is the point that i would like to stress is the main sources of your vitamin c are your fresh fruits and vegetables

And mainly for this reason because alkaline um you know adding stuff like baking soda i guess people do that for you know to some fruits and vegetables when you’re cooking that will actually damage the um vitamin c compound of the food right and excess heat you know when cooking you know frying

And you know just excess it will damage it as well so the point i’m trying to make is fresh fruits and vegetables whole fresh fruits and vegetables uncooked fresh fruits and vegetables are your um your best sources of your vitamin c now most animals manufacture vitamin c meaning their bodies actually produces

Vitamin c except for humans our bodies do not produce vitamin c which is another reason why um we need it needs to be a part of our daily diet you guys our body does not really store it readily um our bodies does not produce it

So it needs to be a part of your daily diet now here some of the functions of um of vitamin c is vitamin c is an antioxidant and most of us know this it helps to minimize um free radicals that damage your your cells one of the main sources of our functions of

Vitamin c is that it is the antioxidant that helps to prevent free radicals that um damage your cells now vitamin c also enhances the absorption of iron so in my case i am anemic and therefore have to take iron supplement um i take one every day um and that’s

You know a whole other topic that i will talk about on a different podcast as to why i have to take um a iron supplement and um why i am probably for the rest of my life will be anemic you know one reason i’m a woman another reason

You know i don’t eat meat but there are a lot of other or a couple of other factors that goes into um me being um being iron deficient anemic and needing to take an iron supplement lately so back to the point um vitamin c actually helps with the absorption of

Iron so whenever i’m taking my iron supplement um during the um in the mornings when i usually take it i usually take it with my smoothie because my smoothies are always packed with vitamin c all my fresh fruits and vegetables or you know you can if you drink orange juice you can use

Orange juice to take your iron supplement because the um vita orange juice is a high source of vitamin c and the vitamin c help with the absorption of iron so you know some of the function big function antioxidants help free radicals you know a lot of people will say that um

Vitamin c help to prevent the common cold science and studies have not proven otherwise it will probably help to minimize the length of of how long you may have a cold or a flu or something like that but vitamin c within itself there are no real studies that show that you know

Chug in vitamin c will help to prevent the common cold um it probably will just help studies have shown that it will help to reduce um the length of um of a cold or flu or um something like that um vitamin c enhances the absorption of iron and we’ve already talked about that

Now your dietary recommendations for vitamin c for adults 19 and older the recommended daily allowance or amount is 90 milligrams um and that is for men for um women it’s 75 milligrams and if you are pregnant that goes up to 85 milligrams and if you are um lactating that goes up to

100 120 milligrams now smokers actually smokers need at least 30 more milligrams than non-smokers and um drug use as well people who um you know abuse drugs and alcohol um tend to need more vitamin c than you know non-smokers and people who do not um you know abuse

Drugs and and alcohol um it actually increases the metabolic turnover of vitamin c smoking drugs and and alcohol um now as we talked about the functions we talked about the recommendations some of the food sources of vitamin c you guys and i cannot stress this enough most not all but most of your

Fresh fruits and vegetables are great great sources of your vitamin c one of the things that people do not know is that peppers red bell peppers you guys i cook with bell peppers all day every day everything i cook i cook with bell peppers and i try just to do like you know

Sauteed and or something like that you know really quickly or if i’m making my salads or something like that i’ll chop it up drizzle a little bit of olive oil a little bit of italian seasoning and you know eat it whole fresh just like that but red bell

Peppers are a great source of vitamin c fresh whole uncooked you know in your salads blend it or put it in a smoothie whatever it’s a great source of your vitamin c potatoes like sweet potato is a great source of your vitamin c everybody knows that orange is orange and orange

Juice are great great sources um of your your vitamin c um and almost all your fresh broccoli um you know steamed broccoli is a great source of vitamin c don’t overcook your broccoli um brussels sprouts is another steamed brussels sprouts is another great source um you know of your vitamin c your spinach

And your kale and your fresh green leafy vegetables all great sources of vitamin c and again as i as i close um the best way to get your vitamin c from your food is to have it fresh um and whole um and um uncooked it’s it’s just the best way

You know too vitamin d v d vitamin c deficiency um is actually quite rare um one of the the main known vitamin c deficiency disease is um is um scurvy and the usually take about a month or so you know for you to start seeing any symptoms

Of um you know vitamin vitamin c deficiency um so you know scurvy and you know this is back in the day this is not something that we you know struggle with or issue that we that we really have you know nowadays it’s actually rare in developing countries

Um but you know people who abuse drugs and smokers and you know as well um can have an issue with um with vitamin c deficiency so hopefully you guys found this um podcast and this video um helpful you know to you um you know some of the big takeaways is that um

You know vitamin c actually help with absorption of iron um we don’t necessarily get energy from you know um vitamins we need our protein fats and carbohydrates and the the vitamin c or your um your vitamin helps to you know get the energy or break down the energy from the food

That you eat which are your micronutrients so um thank you guys so much hopefully you guys found this um this video and this podcast helpful special thanks again to those of you guys who have subscribed to my podcast who have subscribed um to my youtube channel and follow me on facebook and instagram

You know i greatly greatly greatly appreciated you guys i am not a doctor i am not a scientist i am a certified nutrition specialist and you know i learn as i go every day i don’t know everything you know if there is something that that i i i need to to know

Or build my knowledge on this is one way for me to build my knowledge you know and give you guys information um you know when i was getting my search certification in and as a nutrition specialist there’s a lot of information a lot of information you know in my head

And there’s no way that i’m going to you know be fresh and all this stuff by just taking a test and letting it go it’s me going back and taking vitamin c and breaking it down you know in layman’s term for you guys that helps to keep me fresh um and helps

To keep that information at the forefront of of my head enough of my brain um and which is one of the reason why i decided to start this podcast so um you know i appreciate all you guys who listen to my podcast subscribe to my podcast follow me on social media

Greatly greatly appreciate it again the name of the podcast is get your ass up and move it’s a fitness and nutrition podcast comes out every wednesday at 8pm it’s available on apple podcast it’s available on spotify it’s available on my blog at in the google play

Um and i usually do a video as i am doing in this case um and post it on youtube usually a week after the podcast comes out because there’s a little bit of editing and so forth that goes into it so thank you guys so very much so very much for um listening

Feel free you know hop on over to youtube once i post this video um or go back and check out you know the videos that i did on your vitamin a d e and k your fat soluble vitamins the next vitamin video will be on vitamin b your um eight

Um vitamin b compound riboflavin thiamine folic acid by b6 b12 um panthotic acid um and there’s one more that i’m forgetting also thank you guys so much until next time you guys get your ass up and move y’all