ASHWAGANDHA…Balance Blood Glucose & Insulin, Stress, Thyroid & Immune System | Dr. Mandell

Ashwagandha offers a lot of powerful benefits ranging from combating diabetes and cancer to relieving arthritis, high blood pressure, asthma, rheumatism, anxiety, brain health, hypothyroidism/hashimoto’s, depression, sexual dysfunction, stress, and many other diseases. Ashwagandha also possesses potent antioxidant, anticonvulsant, and antibacterial properties.

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Hello everyone Dr Mandel here everyone’s talking about relieving stress and there’s one big thing that’s going on everywhere within the world particularly those that are trying to relieve stress it is ashwagandha that long word well I want to teach you some great things that this

Can do for you ask what Ganda is an adaptogen adaptogens have been around for thousands of years they’re used to help balance the body they are generally safe what it is all about is balance homeostasis it’s kind of like a thermostat if the room temperature gets too cold the thermostat shuts off and

Starts bringing more heat inside and vice versa if it gets too warm then the thermostat shuts off and it brings more cooler air it’s all about getting your body Back in Balance so if you are under tremendous amounts of stress this is going to do the opposite to wind you

Down now our lifestyle moves fast and that means that we are constantly bombarding stress too much stress causes that sympathetic fight or flight system to kick in causing lots of anxiety in millions of people throughout the world ashwagandha can do miracles to help wind you down to control that cortisol and

Adrenaline by supporting the adrenal no glands cortisol plays a huge part in regulation of sugar level within our bloodstream as part of the fight-or-flight stress response cortisol Taps into glucose levels for that instant boost of energy on top of flooding our system with sugar cortisol also pulls the break on insulin

Making it harder to shuttle all the free sugar out of the bloodstream and back into storage so over time this constant flow of blood sugar can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes Well ashwagandha helps control this situation by allowing things to balance and work more efficiently now stress weakens the

Immune system when the immune system is weak all the systems become depleted well ashwagandha helps support that immune system these powerful antioxidants help keep your body strong and healthy preventing problems to occur in the future millions of people worldwide have hypothyroidism gaining weight having a hard time handling

Stress problems with bone health heart health conditions that you should not have well this is all interrelated to an autoimmune problem it’s the increased stress the elevated cortisol levels that actually inhibit the thyroid hormone production as part of the fight or flight response the great news is that

Ashwagandha is known to support the thyroid gland by increasing T3 and T4 thyroid hormones ashwagandha known to have neural protective properties it helps prevent oxidative stress it helps conditions like Alzheimer’s it helps cognitive problems so by taking ashwagandha your brain will function better so I hope this video

Gives you a better understanding about this adaptogen herb ashwagandha this herb can do miracles for you although if you are taking medication or have any kind of health condition I would always tell you first to run it by your doctor I ask you please share this video with

Your friends and family leave your comments below and most important make it a great day I’m Dr Alan Mandel