Vitamin D Deficiency & Energy Levels | Rejuvenate Your Hormones and Wellness Podcast

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So what are some signs and symptoms of low vitamin D like I said before frequent illness vitamin D will help fight off viruses there have been several studies that have shown this that it can help with respiratory tract infections colds bronchitis and pneumonia signs and symptoms of being fatigued and tired reduced energy

Decreased mus muscle strength impaired tissue healing so it takes a long time for um you know a wound to heal bone and back pain studies been found that people that have arthritis muscle pain chronic pain tend to have lower levels of vitamin D bone loss muscle twitches it

Could be occasional muscle twitches or spasms in the feet and hand nerves need Vitamin D to carry messages to and from the brain to the body’s muscle so they’re finding having vitamin D deficiency may cause muscle weakness and twitching hair loss get this one vitamin D plays an important role in hair growth