You Should Always Take These Vitamins Together

There are so many things to learn before taking vitamins. To help you out more watch this video next where talk about supplements that You Should Never Take These Supplements Together: πŸ‘‰ πŸ‘ˆ

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Hi my name is Dr. Dallin LeGrand Peterson but my patients just call me Dr. LeGrand and I have ADHD and Dyslexia. Growing up with ADHD and Dyslexia was definitely a challenge for me in the academic world. But along the way I learned a lot about how to use my ADHD as a SUPERPOWER! I work with a lot of adults with ADHD and parents that have kids with ADHD.

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DISCLAIMER: This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. LeGrand and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. LeGrand nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

These are the vitamins that you should always take together the very first one is probably the most popular one is vitamin D A lot of people take high doses of Vitamin D which I do recommend when there is a deficiency but the problem is when you do take high amounts

Of vitamin D there is a problem especially if you’re not really deficient and you’re taking too high amounts it can lead into high levels of calcium in the blood which then can cause bone pain also kidney pain which then can lead into the formation of calcium Stones which I don’t think no

One wants to have to deal with kidney stones So to avoid this situation what you should always every time combine your vitamin D3 with vitamin K2 vitamin K2 is also a fat soluble vitamin just like vitamin D3 and so when you take those two together they are easily more

Absorbed and utilized in the body where they need to be so there won’t be increased amount of calcium in the blood and so that’s why you should always take vitamin K2 with vitamin D3 now there are several other different vitamins that do really well with taking aide with your

Vitamin D3 so the next one would be calcium so calcium and vitamin D are both really beneficial for bone health but there’s been plenty of studies that have shown that by taking both vitamin D and also calcium ticking together especially when they tested people that were 65 years and older they found that

Their bone and density increased versus those that did not but that being said also vitamin K2 with calcium has also shown that it does improve bone density and helps improve bone health taking together versus separately and so just like I said before if you’re going to do

Vitamin D3 and calcium you do need to add vitamin K2 so all three of those are a really great combo to help with your bone health so if you want the benefits of ours bone health energy might as well take all three together the other vitamin that is great to take along with

Vitamin D is omega-3 omega-3 is fat so obviously it’s going to be easy absorb when you take omega-3 and vitamin D3 together both of them have been proven and shown that does increase the bioavailability for both of them which then is going to increase the absorption

Of both in the body another vitamin that is really great to pair with vitamin D is magnesium why because magnesium is very much needed to activate vitamin D in its biological active form in the body so that being said there’s been plenty of studies that have shown that

When there is a deficiency of magnesium it has been shown that there’s a decrease of active vitamin D within the body and when this happens there tends to be a buildup of oxidative stress so it’s very important to taking magnesium and vitamin D together to help with oxidative stress the next supplement

That you definitely need to be taking together every single time is different B vitamins now all the B vitamins actually can be taken together that’s why there’s supplements like B complex that has all of them together I do tend to recommend that a lot to my patients

And clients but if you decide to take your B vitamin separately there’s definitely one that you should never take by itself and that is folic acid or also known as folly or vitamin B9 you need to be always taking it with vitamin B2 so both vitamin B12 and fly are

Really important together even bb6 because all three of these synergistically help with the methylation cycle for DNA processing but more importantly helping with metabolizing food for energy for our cells but also helping with building modulating iron and red blood cells throughout our body so it’s very

Essential that you do take all three of these but if you decide you want to take them separate the two that you for sure should be taking at least together is vitamin B12 and also folic acid and the reason why you don’t want to take vitamin B9 or folic acid by itself cuz

Over time it can lead into neurological issues if you do take it by itself the next pairing of vitamins is vitamin C and vitamin c does really well with a lot of other different vitamins the first one would be pairing vitamin C with iron vitamin C has been shown in

Studies that it does help enhance the absorption of non-em iron which is iron derived from plant source so if you’re going to use vitamin C and you want to incorporate iron try to find some plant-based Source iron that you could take along with your vitamin C another

One along with vitamin C you’ve probably seen this a lot whenever you get sick and when you get the cold or flu you’ll probably go to your supplement store and you’ll see that boosting your immunity with vitamin C and also zinc you’ll see those two pair together it’s because

Both of them are great antioxidants and both of them have been proven to enhance the immunity system and the functionality of it but also what I do love about vitamin C and Zinc together is both of those are very vital for the neurotransmitter pathway which I do love

Using with my patients and clients to help with their edhd or anxiety or mental health issues because neurotransmitters such as like Norine phrine dopamine serotonin all those different pathways are very important for our mental health and vitamin C and Zinc are important co-actors that are utilized a lot in those Pathways another

Great vitamin to combine with vitamin C is vitamin E also both are great antioxidants but they both help mitigate oxidative stress within the body but on top of that they do help recharge glutathione which is also very important antioxidant that helps with reducing oxidative stress within the body vitamin

C has also been shown to help recharge vitamin E levels within the body it’s what they calls vitamin E recycling so that’s why I think it’s really important to take Vitamin C along with vitamin E to get those benefits if you love what you’re watching then you should go ahead

And hit the Subscribe button because we talk all about brain health and ways to optimize your health the next set of vitamins that are great to pair together is both vitamin E and also omega-3 we’ve talked already about both of these but we haven’t talked about how you can take

Them together so vitamin E as you know is an antioxidant and also omega-3 is a great antioxidant so when you take those two together it’s another great combo to enhance antioxidants throughout your body and both of them together have been proven to increase the absorption of

Both but what has been shown more in studies is when you combined vitamin E with omega3 enhances more of the properties of Omega-3 especially as antioxidant properties and the next great combo to take together is taking vitamin A and iron together now vitamin A has lots of great properties but iron

Is very fundamental when it comes to hemoglobin which is a protein that helps carry oxygen to our red blood cells and throughout the body and on top of that iron is very vital for really with helping converting thyroid hormones and so why vitamin A is important to combine

With iron is because vitamin A is required to help mobilize iron and so when vitamin A Levels tend to be deficient this will cause the body to struggle with utilizing the iron that’s within our system so this is why you want to combine taking both vitamin A

And iron together because this can lead into symptoms such as chronic fatigue because the oxygen is not being carried throughout the body because which iron requires vitamin A and if iron can’t be utilized sufficiently it’s not going to help with hemoglobin to carry the oxygen throughout our blood cells and

Throughout our body so that’s why you can experience fatigue but was probably due to the fact that vitamin A Levels might have been low so this is why it’s great to take both of them because they work so well together now that being said there is also a lot of different

Supplements and vitamins that you should definitely not take together that can decrease the absorption but also can cause other detrimental things to your health so you should watch this video next where I talk about the supplements that you should never take together so watch this video next