Does Calcium and Vitamin D Intake Impact Heart Disease Risk? Unveiling the Truth #heartdisease

Join Drs. Jim and Janine Fox, D.C. as they dissect a recent news article discussing a groundbreaking study suggesting that while Calcium and Vitamin D may lower female cancer risk, they could potentially elevate the risk of heart disease. What does this mean for your health? Are Calcium and Vitamin D supplements something to steer clear of? Tune in to this episode as the doctors (D.C) delve into various research papers to uncover the real story.

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Hi I’m Dr Jim and I’m Dr Janine and we’re here from Doctor’s nutrition to help you out with a little bit of information hopefully help you live a healthier happier life one of the things today Janine is the one of the headlines trying to kind of scare everybody

Wouldn’t you say yeah that’s one of the things we wanted to tell people is you really can’t take headlines and then just take what it says in the headline and stop doing what you’re doing because it sounds like something’s going on all right because going to have you

Believing that calcium and vitamin D is going to kill you Right and what we always do the first time we see a headline because we see the same headlines y’all see what we then do is say okay where was this published who published it what was done where did it come from I mean is it reputable so that’s the kind of things

We look at and we go track down down the line and see all the information that it’s based on now when the headline that’s hit this week was you know calcium and vitamin D increase cardiovascular risk in women and kind of big headlines everybody has a little bit

Different take on it everybody has a little bit different headline that they do but they’re all kind of saying the same thing okay it increases cardiovascular risk so I mean implying that you don’t want to take it exactly you know but the thing of it is this is

Not really a new study this is a followup the initial study was done that they were using was back started back in 1995 it went from 95 to 2000 they had about 36,000 participants in that one you know there was a lot of participants and in that study they did use

Approximately around 1100 milligrams of calcium each day and some a little bit more some a little bit less they just said dependent on the person and they used 400 vitamin D and what they did was they studied it for 5 years to see okay what did it show well in that study is

When they did that was probably the first time they said o calcium may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease right but this study was on study was ons right and they did show a 12% decrease in Hip fractures um at that time but this that they’re coming out with

Was actually looking 22.3 years later so we’re going to look at this 22.3 years later we’re going to follow some of the same people that are still alive in the study right and then what they found in this was that increased cardiovascular Risk by 6% in women and it decreased cancer mortality

By 7% so they’re saying basically it’s a wash because okay you can die cancer you can die of cardiovascular disease it doesn’t really matter um but that’s kind of what they’re leading people to believe but there’s a lot more issues than that there’s a lot more to just

Calcium and vitamin D well I think first thing we need to look at is it’s it’s not it’s a correlation it’s not Direct causation right so that’s what you get out of this study so yeah it’s it’s a decent study it’s a epidemiological type

Study and it does give you a lot of good information and it tells you that yeah okay we’ve got some issues but what we have to look at is what was done if they just used calcium in okay there’s part of your problem because back in ’95 we

Really didn’t know much about vitamin K2 we really didn’t know much about another hormone that the body produces called osteocalcin osteocal job is to take calcium from the bloodstream and get it into the bone and it takes vitamin A and D right you make osteocalcin now actually the bone actually produces it

And puts it in the bloodstream but it takes a and d available to do that so we make this osteocalcin but then we have to activate it or chemically we call it decarbox it okay so if we’re going to activate this stuff what does it take

Well we found out hey it takes vitamin K2 so for the what 10 15 years yes we’ve been telling everybody never take you know vitamin D and calcium by itself always get your K2 right and you wanted it in decent amount so this study did not have the K2 with

It which we know is very important and then another kind of flaw of the initial study anyway when I read the initial study was that they also half the people in the study were taking hormone replacement and half weren’t and it wasn’t even you know like okay we’re

Going to put this many of the hormone people in this group and this they were kind of like just random so that’s another factor that could have played a role in some of the outcome it’s actually a flaw in your data stream it is and so I just want we one reason we

Wanted to talk about this is I don’t want people to stop taking their calcium and vitamin D now I do think people take too much calcium at times I’m not one that ever puts people on 11 to 12200 milligrams calcium now there’s those few instances that are you know people that

Have a specific issue where they don’t actually have enough calcium and you have to increase it to a little bit higher level that is not the norm we normally put people on 5 to 600 milligrams if we do put them on it and lab work tells us whether the person

Needs that or not now again vitamin D lab work tells us if they need that or not and you can actually look at the level and you can tell how much to give them so and we always use K2 when we do that always now there’s been another

Study this morning that just popped up and it was from a year ago but it was also headlines and it was about an Australian study that was done it was published in the British Med medical journal in June of 23 and it actually was a 5-year study with 20,000 people so

There was a lot of people so it was another really big good study and it showed a decrease in cardiovascular events on people that took vitamin D so you can’t just take one thing especially that was back from 1995 to 200000 and say oh I we don’t want to

Take calcium and D anymore everybody is diff individual and you may need different Doses and I don’t recommend I still have a lot of people that come in that their doctors told them oh take 12 to, 1500 milligrams calcium without ever checking anything and I don’t agree with

That I don’t think people need to take that much D but if you’re going to take I mean I’m sorry not D calcium don’t take that much calcium D depends on the person I have some people take a thousand I have some people take 10,000 it really depends on the person but you

Do need to know that calcium and vitamin D always need K2 so do not take either one without making sure you’re getting K2 as well right the mk7 specifically is kind of the one that most people have settled on being the best because it has the the longest halflife in your

Bloodstream so if you take it it’s going to last you a good 24 hours and that’s that’s really important it’s got to be there when that osteocalcin is made so it can activate it because osteocalcin has a half life of dig this five minutes so it’s going constantly in your body

It’s something that’s turning over rapidly when you talk about a five minute halflife that’s not long uh and so we’ve got to have K2 available all the time so is vitamin D and so is your vitamin A so we’ve got to have those nutrients available for this to happen

You know and one thing that kind of struck me is you know this thing came out of the Women’s Health Initiative yes so we started digging around say like okay who is the Women’s Health Initiative what is it on V vitamin D oh my God I’m going to

Die no you’re not going to die but and we will see it for months people coming in and you’ll be like oh my gosh why’ you vitamin D fall so low when we did your library oh well I stopped taking it when I saw those headlines we hear that

For months after something hits like this and they don’t always come and ask us we have a lot that do the ones that come ask us usually don’t just rush and do something but the ones that don’t ask and just stop it then you know we’ll

Figure it out later but you don’t it is you know your health that you’re dealing with and you know even in their study that is definitely flawed showed a 7% decrease in cancer mortality that alone tells you that that’s something beneficial I was going to say that sounds pretty beneficial exactly and

There was less and that they said well one was 6% one was 7% just kind of wash but I disagree I think you know you don’t you definitely if there’s something that will decrease cancer risk and it was probably the D that decreased it not necessarily the C

And the D that was used in the study was not enough in most cases CU there’s very rare where 400 iuse of D is enough to bring someone’s level into the normal range that’s true so just think if they would have used normal doses or optimal

Doses I should say what we call physical doses yeah right right so like I said just little bit of information for you to know and to know that you really just don’t rush out and do something because you see the headlines right so if you got something good out of this uh video

Hopefully you did I’ll be sure and hit that uh like button and and make sure and subscribe because we like to have we we’re we’re growing our subscriber list daily we really appreciate it we thank you for that uh but just hit that little uh subscribe button the like button and

Hit that little bell button over there you’ll be notified on the next next one that we have coming out cuz like she said we’re going to have these things coming out pretty steady stream because it’s a steady stream that comes out in the news for sure so thank you again for

Today watching this hopefully you can live healthy and be healthy I’m Dr Fox and I want to thank you for watching this YouTube video be sure and hit that subscribe button hit that little bell so you’ll be notified on any upcoming videos that we have coming up and thank you again for

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