The Supplements I use High quality Brands Vitamin d Magnesium Manuka honey probiotic cod liver oil

Liposomal Vitamins and Supplements

Bio-Kult | Probiotica voor het hele gezin

Hi everyone in this video I want to share with you what products um I use the supplements um so as I just you know ordered a new supplements I’ll immediately show you it’s from Pure encapsulation is the Magnesium so for sleep you know magnesium is very uh good

Um and also a lot of people you know are deficient in magnesium so um I ordered this one it’s a good brand and uh you know I’m will try it out um another supplement that I use on a daily basis is vitamin D as we don’t have a lot of

Sun here so I use the one from Quicks silver scientific and it’s the D3 K2 um supplement um it’s also very high quality so uh this is the one we use I take this on a daily basis um and then my mom that I want to share also takes um also from Quicksilver

Scientific uh the it’s called the one from Dr Shades um and it’s like a dietary supplement she takes every day uh she takes one teaspoon per day as it says um and it has a lot of you know it has like goji berry asai berry American King sang root Chinese licorice

Um Apple syrup a little bit ashanda uh you know a little bit of these um herbs and you know uh that helps um so yeah apparently you know this one is also good uh it was recommended by Dr Mike Uchi for my mom um he’s a

Caropractor um and he is he practices I think right now in uh Hawaii um um his website is also Triple Play performance and I also have some of his courses and you know he’s very um he’s very smart so I follow the things he does a lot of

Them um then another one is a probiotic it’s from biocl um and it has 14 uh uh kinds of bacterias um and this one is also very good brand so if you’re looking for probiotica this one is very good um so that’s I wanted to share and

Then cut liver oil we also take you know uh it’s good for um um for well vitamin D also as a food source um so of course sun is the best uh then you can take it from food like cod Lipper oil that’s the number one and then you can take a

Supplement uh for example the vitamin D uh this the one the I showed you um so it depends you know on where you live what you eat Etc uh this is very high quality I think I’ve shared it before also it’s um premium extra virgon cut

Liver oil it’s wild and raw it’s from Rita Real Foods um no heater chemicals used ancient extraction method and so we take these soft gels serving sizes like three of these a day um contains vitamin A vitamin D uh DHA EPA um Omega-3s so for that you

Know it’s very good fish oil and this is just very high quality then the last one that I want to share with you is manuka honey uh maybe you’ve heard about it for its um well antibacterial um uh properties health benefits when you have a flu or you know to strengthen your

Immune system you know it has a lot of health benefits it’s very strong like it can you know almost like antibiotic you know it acts um uh to kill like bacteria and these kind of things um very powerful so we have this one MGM MGO 400 plus Manuka Health New Zealand before I

Used the weather spoon um K factor 16 uh but then we can’t like really order it now it’s very hard to order so I found this one also very good uh so this one we currently use um we are very happy with it we like

It uh and I think from 100 uh or 200 or something it’s very good and above and 400 is of course very good so you can have like a teaspoon well depends I take it maybe once a week or so you know uh one or two

Teaspoons I think that uh you know is more than enough some people take it every day little bit you know it depends um and these are just you know um this is just general information so um always check with your health care provider with your doctor uh before

Doing anything so but I just wanted to share with you you know like the brands and products that we take um so yeah I hope this video was helpful and that you liked it um so thank you for watching and see you in another video take care bye-bye